Scenes 1-5

Scenes 6-10

Scenes 11-15

Scenes 16-20

Scenes 21-25

Scenes 26-30

Scenes 31-36

The Voice of Vincent: Scenes 26-30



Scene 26

[Elizabeth is on her way to Lilia’s house. When she gets there, she finds the doors unlocked. She lets her self in and calls. Everything is dark and it is obvious that Lilia’s parents are gone. She runs to the ballroom to see if Lilia is there. The ballroom is empty so she runs to her bedroom. Lilia lies on the ground, hunched over, laughing lightly. Elizabeth runs over to her and turns her over onto her back to see that her face is cut up. She notices the broken table and cracked table. And the cold tea on the ground amidst the broken porcelain pieces of the teapot.]

Elizabeth: My! Lilia! What happened?

Lilia (with difficulty): You are brave.

Elizabeth: Brave? I had to come back to see if you were ok after that spider bite.

Lilia: Spider bite? I wasn't bitten by a spider

Elizabeth: But I saw it!

Lilia: Then your eyes have deceived you.

Elizabeth: Impossible!

Lilia: No, quite possible, princess. Help me back onto my bed will you?

(Elizabeth drags her onto her bed, trying to make her comfortable.)

Elizabeth: What happened to you?

Lilia: Never mind. Just leave please.

Elizabeth: I can’t leave…

Lilia: Yes.

Elizabeth: Shall I call a doctor?

Lilia: Please no…I don't wish to see any face.

(Elizabeth stands up. Staring at Lilia for a few moments as she closes her eyes and seemingly falls asleep. As Elizabeth leaves the room she hears Lilia speak.)

Lilia: Never come back again Elizabeth. Promise me you will never come back.

(Without answering Elizabeth leaves the room.)

Lilia (screaming after Elizabeth): Promise me!

Scene 27

[Elizabeth walks unto her house. It is completely empty. Both her parents have gone out to a party for the night. She runs up to her room.]

Elizabeth: Vincent, are you there?

Vincent: Of course.

Elizabeth: Oh, why do you always stay down there waiting? Doesn't get horribly boring and lonely? Why not come up?

Vincent: Dear Elizabeth, I have already told you that I may not set foot up the stairs for several reasons. But I don't find it bad to stay down here alone. To wait to hear your voice in the evening is much to look forward to.

Elizabeth: Oh! I pity you! That you have to look forward to speaking with me!

Vincent: Oh no, I enjoy our conversations very much.

Elizabeth: Shall I come down?

Vincent: Pardon?

Elizabeth: Shall I come down now to see you?

Vincent: Please, not tonight.

Elizabeth: But why? Are you scared of what I will think of you?

Vincent: Oh yes. I don't want to lose you. For if you laid eyes on me, you surely would never want to speak to this horrible beast again.

Elizabeth: That's impossible.

Vincent: I want you to live a little longer.

Elizabeth: What?

Vincent: I fear there is something threatening your life, and I worry.

Elizabeth: I don't understand.

Vincent: I wished to ask you, did you return to the graveyard?

Elizabeth: Oh yes! I went just last night!

Vincent: What did you do?

Elizabeth: I again met another friend. I am amazed that a graveyard could have so many friends for me.

Vincent: Your new friend, what is he?

Elizabeth: I am not sure. He didn't speak, but I could feel his breathing and his touch.

Vincent: Do you wish to see him again?

Elizabeth: Certainly, but I wish that he would speak to me.

Vincent: I see…

(The door behind Elizabeth opens slowly, but Elizabeth doesn’t notice, Rafaela is on the other side, peering into the room.)

Elizabeth: Maybe next time he will talk. But he seemed familiar to me. I don't know why.

Vincent: You have met him before?

Elizabeth: I’m not sure. But I felt terribly comfortable with him…

Vincent: Could you ever love him?

Elizabeth: Pardon?

Vincent: Forgive me…

Elizabeth: Why, are you in love with someone?

Vincent: Perhaps.

Elizabeth: Who? Perhaps someone in your own dreams? Do you dream?

Vincent: I dream…but my dreams I cannot utter any word of to you…they frighten even myself to think of them. Like horrible memories.

Elizabeth: Horrible memories?

Vincent: Horrible memories…filled with awful hate and death.

Elizabeth: I-

(Rafaela comes and stands right over Elizabeth. A dark look in her eyes.)

Rafaela: Elizabeth!

(Elizabeth whirls around, rising immediately to her feet.)

Elizabeth: Mother!

Rafaela: What are you doing?

Elizabeth: Nothing…

Rafaela: Who is that you are speaking with? Your father won't tell me anything.

Elizabeth: I'm not talking to anyone...

Rafaela: Indeed! You! There is someone down there isn’t there? Speak to me now of I shall go down there myself and find you!

(Vincent says nothing)

Elizabeth: Mother! There is no one down there!

Rafaela: You expect me to believe such lies? When I myself saw and heard you speaking with whoever it may be. I shall warn your father immediately, he will move your new ‘friend’ far away so you may not harm him!

Elizabeth: Only if you wish for father to think you insane! There is no one down there!

Rafaela: Oh! Stop repeating yourself! I understand your lies! Further them no more!

Elizabeth: Don’t tell him!

Rafaela: I will! I only fear for my daughter!

Elizabeth: No! You don't dear for me! You don't care about me!

Rafaela: How dare you accuse me!

Elizabeth: And you are such a hypocrite! You judge Lilia’s parents because they neglect her, but you do the same to me!

Rafaela: You ungrateful child! Who was it who bought you all your new dresses?

Elizabeth: Perhaps that isn’t the most important thing! Leave my room! Leave now!

Rafaela: Do not order me! I will leave on my own! And I will tell your father the moment he returns! You will never speak with your stranger again!

Elizabeth:(almost in tears) Why must you do this?

(Elizabeth’s mom leaves immediately, slamming the door behind her. Elizabeth sits against the wall crying.)

Vincent: Elizabeth…

Elizabeth:(panicked) What will happen?

Vincent: I don't know…

Elizabeth: Oh! What a horrible thing that has happened…Shall I never speak with you again?

Vincent: I don't even want to think of that...

Elizabeth: But I'm afraid that I will never be able to talk to you again.

(Elizabeth hears the front door open, she hears her Rafaela screaming at Jonathan. He immediately rushes downstairs, the booming of his footsteps can be heard throughout the house. She hears a door open.)

Vincent:(sadly) Then my time has come?

Elizabeth: No!

(Elizabeth presses her hands against the vent, slamming it, trying to break it. Vincent reaches out his hands and their fingers meet through the grates.)

Vincent: I love you dear Elizabeth.

Jonathan: Come with me.

(There is not a sound as Vincent’s fingers are slowly pulled away.)

Vincent: I love you, dear Elizabeth.

Elizabeth: But!

(And nothing else is heard. Elizabeth lays, dazed. She doesn’t move and simply stares through the grates.)

Scene 28

[Rafaela stands by the fire. Staring into the flames. She holds a glass of whine in her hand. Jonathan approaches from behind.]

Rafaela: Did you take care of it?

Jonathan: Yes.

Rafaela: Who was that down there?

Jonathan: Nobody important. Don't worry, he won't be a problem.

Rafalea: Why didn't move him before? Remember that day? Elizabeth told us that she spoke with someone. Why didn't you move him immediately?

Jonathan: I am surprised that you would remember such a thing.

Rafaela: Answer me!

Jonathan: I didn't think that it would be a problem.

Rafaela: Well apparently you were wrong. I don't doubt the silly girl has been talking to him every night. Why, she needs some real friends. It is a shame Lilia became sick.

Jonathan: She did?

Rafaela: Yes. But her mother won't speak of it to me.

Jonathan: I see.

Rafaela: Maybe we should send Elizabeth to care for Lilia.

Jonathan: Elizabeth may no longer speak to anyone but herself.

Rafaela: Probably not...

(Rafaela looks away, holding her hand to her mouth. )

Jonathan: Something troubles you?

Rafaela: Nothing. Speak nothing of it. Let us retire.

Scene 29

[Elizabeth is in the graveyard again. With her blindfold on. She sits quietly on the ground, holding her hands in front of her face as she cries. The skull and spider approach.]

Skull: What troubles you, pretty Elizabeth?

Elizabeth: Something horrible happened to me! Why! My dear Vincent has been taken from me! I didn't know I enjoyed his company so much until now when he has been taken away! And even in the moment I realized I couldn't speak to him I felt the worse pain I ever have before.

Skull: Such emotions are indeed very strange to me. For as is obvious, I have no heart.

Elizabeth: Oh if only I could be so fortunate as to have no heart!

Skull: It is not always such a nice thing. One with no heart can never feel emotions of happiness.

Elizabeth: That's true. But I feel that sadness overcomes happiness...

Skull: So you will do nothing of it?

Elizabeth: Nothing of what?

Skull: Will you not seek out your Vincent?

Elizabeth: I can't. He is gone.

Skull: Does he not still stay in your house?

Elizabeth: I can't be sure. But it doesn't matter. If I don't know where he is…

Skull: Can you not find him?

Elizabeth: No! I am not allowed in the basement!

Skull: And the next time your parents are about? Will you not attempt to find him down there?

Elizabeth: Yes...But...

Skull: Do not doubt so readily. You do not know. So you must seek him.

Elizabeth: But it troubles me.

Skull: What does?

Elizabeth: Vincent doesn't want me to see him. I don't know why. It confuses me.

Skull: But surely he will forgive your seeking him out if he is allowed to see his beloved once more?

Elizabeth: His beloved?

Scene 30

[Vincent sits alone in a dark room. Faint moonlight pours into the room, the light falls on his mask that sits on the table next to him. His face is shown but can barely be seen at all. He breathes heavily. Holding his side and groaning with pain. Tears fall onto his hand. He then hears the voice of the skull.]

Skull: Vincent. What are you doing now? No doubt you have given up hope?

Vincent: Hope? Of what?

Skull: Of seeing the girl again.

Vincent: Has she spoken to you?

Skull: You know that she has. Why, I doubt a night will pass that she does not come to speak to me. And soon. Soon Vincent perhaps you may meet her.

Vincent: I abhor the thought…

Skull: Why? Do you not wish to meet her?

Vincent: No! I never want her to meet me!

Skull: But Vincent. Would you not like to be finally joined? You will be happy together, will you not?

Vincent: Silence! For you to speak those words is to blaspheme their very meaning.

Skull: I may not understand.

Vincent: Surely you do not! But tell it true that you have already enticed Elizabeth. You have told her to seek me out! Vile creature!

Skull: Speak not harshly with me. Do I not lead your love to your arms.

Vincent: I would never wish such a horrible fate upon her!

Skull: But why? Is it really so horrible?

Vincent: More horrible than you could ever imagine, skull! Leave me quickly! You sicken me!