Oh, that Matt, he sucks.

Directed By: Lawrence Kasdan
Written By: Stephen King (novel), William Goldman & Lawrence Kasdan (screenplay)
Starring: Morgan Freeman, Damian Lewis, Jason Lee, Some bearded weirdo

"Why would a redhead grow a beard?"
- Christopher Chunt, The Stephen King Quarterly
Based on the book by the master of macabre, commander of creepiness and the espouser of 'ahh!'s (Stephen King) comes the new cinematic shit-yourself fest, 'Dreamcatcher'.
I thought it was a pretty tip-top movie. There's this bit at the start where this fat guy keeps farting, it was like that bit from Scooby Doo except funny. Truth be told, the bit where Jason Lee started eating peanut butter was funnier than Scooby Doo.
I'm not one to get scared by movies (except for Scooby Doo, ecch) so I can't tell you whether this movie will need a second pair of boxer shorts. I do know that the rows of girls I saw the movie with all wanted to hold my hand through the scary bits, so if you can't handle scary shit, get a brother like me to help out and grab you during some tense moments. Heck, I'm such a nice guy I'll grab you whenever I feel you need it.

This is one of my shorter little ditties, at a lightweight 17 minutes Jason Lee sings along at one of Stephen King's Plus Powered Rock'n'Roll shows.

Anyway, I'd explain the story but it's all weird and convoluted. Basically, these four guys share a telepathic bond (like The Shining) they all picked up after a common experience they experienced as kids 20 years earlier in Derry (like IT). They get stranded in an icy cabin (like Misery) within a community exposed to a deadly virus thingy (like The Stand). There are aliens about, Morgan Freeman, the guy I mentioned before with the hilarious rectum and Jason Lee with a toothpick.
There was also a menstruation joke I made whilst watching, like I did during Carrie.

All in all, a good film. Could've done with more violence, more titties (can't get enough of either), but I feel that any gratuitousness would've hampered the intricately designed mise-en-scene. But still, I dunno... titties man.