Registered Charity no. 1072538


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Helping to support our work

It may be that you would like to join us but don't have the time...  Or perhaps you are referring an elderly  or disabled parent, friend or family member to us.

By using this search engine every time you surf, you can raise money for us without any effort, thereby enabling us to visit more vulnerable and lonely people in our community. Set it as your homepage! The more people we can get using this, the more we raise.


Or you can donate online through the Co-op bank and Charity Choice. Every penny counts! £15.00 pays for a client to be taken out for a day. £10 pays for a volunteer to be checked with the Criminal Records Bureau so that they can make a visit to a client every week. £100 pays for four volunteers to be trained and they might make 200 visits in a year.


You can also send cheques to our office:


The Volunteer Link Scheme,

Northumberland House,

11 The Pavement, 

Popes Lane,

South Ealing,

London W5 4NG



The Volunteer Link Scheme is Registered Charity no. 1072538