Gens Personalia Scrivening Illumination Cinematics Cabal Nexus

Prometheus Unleashed
A frequently updated weblog with commentary on topics of cinema, digital video, technology, and politics.


What Value Truth?
From the Autumn 2003 issue of Inkblots magazine.

Personal Stories

From the Autumn 2003 issue of Inkblots magazine.


I don’t have copies of these on-line right now; until I do, just let me know if you’d like to read ’em.

Holding Pattern
My first feature-length screenplay, originally written for the first Project Greenlight contest, radically rewritten for the second, and still in a constant state of revision.

An adaptation of a short story by Geoff Long; we’d planned to produce it, but never really got past the concept stage.

CS Angels
My first work-related screenplay, and the first written piece (based on story ideas by myself, Hillary Tisdale, Jenn Wallace Garner, and Kori Lusignan) that actually saw screen production. Well, mostly, anyway.

Meet Your Academies
A tongue-in-cheek overview of one of the divisions in our company, all done as a mock 1950s educational film (based on story ideas by myself, Adam Young, and Ginny Filer). The finished piece was directed and edited by Ginny Filer.

Movie Critiques

(Coming Soon)
From the Winter 2004 issue of Inkblots magazine.

Singin’ in the Rain
From the Autumn 2003 issue of Inkblots magazine.

Citizen Kane
From the Summer 2003 issue of Inkblots magazine.

Blade Runner
From the Spring 2003 issue of Inkblots magazine.

The Godfather
From the Autumn 2002 issue of Inkblots magazine.

The Maltese Falcon
From the Summer 2002 issue of Inkblots magazine.

Live Performance

Flight Ceiling
My featured performance at Fray Day 7 DC (mp3 format, 3.1 MB).