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You are welcome to send in your articles, pictures of stars,reviews, if you like. You will be given credit.

© 2002. All Rights Reserved.
Website maintained and designed by
JoniL Raptor
Made on October 16, 2001.

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[W]aab [S]ite >> Site Map

This Week section contains special stuff, yeah, stuff. It may have visitor of the week, artist of the week, poem of the week, ghost story of the week. More info? Just click "This week" on your left.

Life section contains articles that I've found, or I've written about the events that are happening in this universe, or about society, etc.

Music Section contains interviews, reviews, articles, etc., of artists, albums, and/or songs.

Movies Section contains interviews or reviews of Movies.

TV shows Section contains reviews, article, or interviews on TV shows.

Sports Section contains reviews, article, or interviews on athletes.

Pictures Gallery section contains pictures of Thai stars, Korean, Chinese, American, etc. It also contains wall papers, screen caption, and many more.

Wall Paper Section contains wall paper made by visitors, friends, and me.

Lyrics Section contains Lyrics, of course.

Fan Fictions Section contains stories written by fans, visitors, and friends. It also contains short story.

Contest Section contains a contest held every time I update. Go and enter!

Audio Gallery Section contains songs sung by singers and by fans.

Shopping Section contains a place where it has the latest albums of singers, or merchandises. I DO NOT have a store of my own on this site. Many other webmasters out there has been kind enough to help me with this store.

Awards Section contains awards I've won for my website layout.

E-cards Section contains e-cards you can e-mail to your friends or family.

Link Me Section contains banners or logo, in which you can link to my site.

Site Map Section is the page you are on right now, reading. It just tells you about each page.

About Us Section contains Waab Site's long history and struggles.

Sponsors Section contains sites that have sponsored my site.

Privacy Section contains our info also.

Downloads Section contains programs, games, and other things you can download.

HTML Section helps website designers with their websites.

Vote Section contains polls where you can vote, so go vote!

Misc. Section contains extra stuff. Go see for yourself.

Links/Affiliates section contains Links of many sites about Thai music, Thai Entertainment, Personal pages of Friends, Hmong, Chinese, Korean, etc. Go and Add your link(s).

Message Board Section is where you are able to express your thoughts on certain topics, or make you own topics, and hey! If it's a pretty good topic, I might even put it up on my page.

Slambook is kind of like a guestbook, but only more fun.

I'm pretty sure you know what the Guestbook is, right? Well, then, go sign it! I better see your name and comments on it!

Webmaster Is just a bio of me, nothing important.

Contact Us Section is ways to get in touch with me. Either through chat, or e-mail.