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Earn Against Drugs
Written by: Thomas Schmid

RS Promotion's cute singer "Earn" Jirawan Decharoovijit has been chosen by Thailand's Narcotics Control Board as the new presenter of their "Life Stand" initiative.

A "Life Stand" is basically a large display stand featuring posters and general information aimed at educating teenagers about the dangers of drug abuse.

The stands also have lists where teenagers can write down questions regarding drugs together with their contact details. Board officials would then get in touch with them to answer the questions and give advice.

The board has put up a large number of these stands at locations where youngster preferably gather, such as Bangkok's Center Point shopping area and several department stores.

Earn features prominently on the "Life Stand" posters and is happy to be able to contribute to Thailand's fight against drugs.

The situation has become especially worrying with youths in recent years, many of whom find it "fashionable" to indulge in drugs of all kinds.

"I consider this another step in my career and I take my nomination as presenter very seriously. It is so all-important to inform youngsters about the danger of drugs and to warn them not to get involved under any circumstances. I hope that my presenter role will have a good influence on them," Earn said.

The signer took over the assignment in October from "Tao" Somchai Kemklad, another pop star, and will carry out her duties for a full year before passing the presenter role on to another celebrity to be selected by the board.