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[W]aab [S]ite >> Music

Wow This Album Is So Awesome. Wait No It's Not.
Written by A music fan from UK

Okay I only have good things to say about this CD.
1. It makes a great coster.
2. It makes a good reflective surface to take with you when you go camping.
3. It makes a great Frisbee.

Okay now for a track by track review.
1. Viva La Radio-Yeah maybe all of the UK will turn their radios off after they here this crap.
2. Mickey- Wow I wish I could sing this song. Oh wait I can and a lot better then you.
3. Big Boys Don't Cry- Unless they hear this track.
4. Kiss Kiss Boom Boom- LOL holy crap what the heck is this crap.
5. Dance In The Rain- Yeah and never come back inside you crazy untalented Brit.
6. Can You Keep A Secret- Yeah what is it that you can't sing? Well I hate to tell you the world already knows.
7. Internet Love- Yeah too bad that when he found out who you were he blocked all your messages and E-Mails.
8. Hap
py- Yeah the album is almost over that makes me happy too.
9. Telephone Boy- What Lolly? Oh sorry um he moved away last week maybe you can try again in like another lifetime.
10. Do You Feel Like I Feel- Yeah we are all happy that there are no more tracks on the darn album.

WOW that was fun.

--This Album was given 1 star out of 5<