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by Worawan Thanamongkol

Marsha Wattanapanich, 31, singer-actress and mother was a bit reluctant to pick up the NJ sticks. But we assured her she would be okay, so she gave it a go ...

Stick Up: What do you most often do when you are alone in an elevator?
Marsha: Pray. I often pray for the door to open and I'll be released. Elevators are quite scary places. When I am in an elevator, I always imagine what I would do if it were stuck. How could I breathe? Who would help me? Would they be able to save me?

Stick Up: If you could have a dinner date with any politician, whom would you choose?
Marsha: I don't personally admire any politicians. Can it be with musicians? I'd like to invite The Corrs. They are very lovely working as a family team. Wherever they want to go, whichever menu they'd like, I am always free for them.

Stick Up: If you were robbed, and threatened with a sharp knife, what would be your first words to the robber?
Marsha: "I'll give you everything. But please do not kill me, nor rape me!" Don't kill me because I still have to live for my son. Don't rape me because I don't want those whom I don't love bothering me.

Stick Up: What can make you smile when you are furious?
Marsha: A person I love can help when they say something funny. But if I get really angry, nothing seems to help. It's better to leave me alone. I will hypnotise myself to try to control myself.

Stick Up: If you had to have terrible acne, which part of body would you choose it to be on?
Marsha: Anywhere underneath my clothes. Never on my face. Probably on the feet is okay. But usually, I don't have any problems with acne. I just have freckles. When I am exposed to sunlight they spread.

Stick Up: If you could paint the sky, what colour would you choose?
Marsha: It looks lovely as it is.

Stick Up: One day, when you arrive home, three delivery boys from different food restaurants are waiting for you to pay for what you ordered. But you didn't order anything! You would ...
Marsha: Have them go back. Frankly I'm a straight person. If I did not order it, it shouldn't be my responsibility. But if they were to get into big trouble if I didn't pay, I may help. My dogs would be very happy, anyway.

Stick Up: What type of hairstyle do you think would make the prime minister look great?
Marsha: He looks good with his present style. Politicians have neat hairstyles that fit in with their neckties and suits. But personally, I like men with hair to their shoulders: simple and natural. I don't think it suits a national leader, though.

Stick Up: If we didn't put khai wan (sweetened boiled egg) into bua loy (a Thai sweet), what could we use in its place?
Marsha: What is it like? Can they be mixed? I don't think a savoury food like egg goes with sweets. Let's not put it in.

Stick Up: Where would you celebrate your 90th birthday?
Marsha: In a coffin. (laughs) I would be too old to laugh and enjoy things, and I'd have terrible eyesight. Now, I don't enjoy birthday parties: they're wasteful and involve a lot of organisation. So, at about 60 years old, I may ask to say goodbye.

--Taken from Nation Juniors