Guest Book



Please let us know you stopped by.  

And be sure to wear your name tag at all times.

Lunch will be served at 12:00 Noon, Sharp.  I trust you have a ticket.

All Visitors Must Sign In! 

     Would you care to review Our Signature Book?


If you prefer, you may complete the questionnaire below and your response will be sent to my e-mail address, rather than being published onto the web page "Signature Book."  You can do either or neither or both.  It is entirely up to you.  The choice is yours. All yours.  All of the pressure is on you, not me. You choose.  It's your decision.  The clock is ticking.  Made up your mind? No pressure.  Tick, tick, tick!   


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From a friend
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Hey, I got here. What do you care?
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Is any body here?
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