Wadi Rum Forum


Draft Management Plan   by  RSCN  with commentary / response by Tony Howard

also read the

draft guidelines for climbing
by Tony Howard and Di Taylor

      What is happening in Wadi Rum ?
Main Page 1           
Main Page 2

Addresses to write to

Latest correspondence with RSCN
MAP of RSCN proposals
Letter from BMC to RSCN
Statement from Survival Internal
e-mail from Tony Howard and Di Taylor

Paper by Geraldine Chatelard  

Trip reports



This site is about Wadi Rum, Jordan.

There are trip reports about rock climbing in Wadi Rum.

  There are
links to other sites about Wadi Rum.

  Most importantly, this site exists to share
  Wadi Rum, and about the plans for new rules and regs which would
  restrict camping/climbing/trekking, and also adversely affect the
  local people.

  I hope to encourage people to write letters and e-mails to
the authorities.
  I give
sample letters and e-mails, and would like to publish yours here if
send them to me.   

  I would also like to encourage discussion of these proposals.
  I don't have the skills to make a message board, but if you
e-mail me
  your comments, I will post them on here.

  Here is a long 
paper by Geraldine Chatelard about Wadi Rum.

  Later, I hope to have interviews with some of the people of Wadi Rum,
  a French-language version, and a  photo gallery - when I get a slide
This is my first-ever attempt at a website, and it is still under construction,so please bear with me, but tell me about any problems. And excuse me if I'm slow to respond, but from April 2002 I'm off on a 9-month climbing trip !
  I am sorry about the annoying pop-up adverts, but I needed a        free place to put my site, with easy-to-use software.
If you want to download a free program which will stop any popup windows from opening, go
here and type in "popup killer"
It really works !