Wallpaper Supplies and Tools

wallcovering tips

1. Sizing. Sizing helps to keep seams from opening up or shrinking. Aids in the future removal of wallcovering. Provides “slip” to help position during installation. Inhibits mildew growth. Hirshfield’s recommends Uniprep 100% Acrylic Universal Wallcovering Prepcoat over shiny surfaces and Wallprep Universal Primer over flat unsealed surfaces.

TIP Remember to book your paper for ten minutes. See Project Guide “How to Prevent Shrinking Seams”

2. Border Adhesive. This product ensures proper adhesion of borders when installed over a coordinating wallcovering. This is not for use over painted surfaces because of the strong adhesion. Hirshfield’s recommends AllPro Border Adhesive.

3. Prepasted Activator. Applied like a wallcovering adhesive this product activates the dry adhesive on the back of prepasted wallcoverings. This is a good alternative to using water and a water tray. Provides extra tack to prevent seam separation.

We suggest Hirshfield’ Prepasted Activator.

4. Adhesives. For most wallcoverings requiring adhesives including lightweight vinyls, strings and murals, we recommend Hirshfield’s Clear. For heavyweight vinyls we recommend All Pro Extra Strength Vinyl Adhesive.

5. Wallpaper stripper. Aids in the removal of wallcoverings. Liquid wallpaper removers such as DIF are diluted with water and applied to the wallcovering’s surface with either a sponge or sprayer and allowed to soak. DIF Gel is applied undiluted directly to wall.

6. TSP. Use trisodium phosphate to wash walls prior to sizing. Be certain to rinse well with clean water.

7. Spackle. For minor wall correct.

8. Corner Guards. Provides inexpensive protection to outside corners.

Please visit our Customer Service Desk for answers to your questions on wallcoverings.

How much should you expect wallpaper to shrink once it dries? If it does shrink should you overlap edges a bit to ensure a perfect fit?

All wallpaper expands when it gets wet or has paste on it. If you measure the wallpaper before and after it gets wet you can some times notice a 1/4" to a1/2" increase in width. The only way wallpaper should shrink after it has been installed on the wall is if it hasn't bonded to the wall properly. For example if the surface the wallpaper is being installed on is a non porous (i.e. shiny or glossy )surface it may shrink. The surface needs to be a flat primer or something that allows the wallpaper to "bite" in to the surface. I personally would not recommend overlapping only because if the preparation is done right it shouldn't be necessary.

If your still not sure take a one foot piece of wallpaper and cut it in half vertically. Paste the the two pieces and install them in the middle of the wall butting the the uncut edges together. Let it sit overnight and see what happens. It might be easier to do this test and only remove two small pieces. Supplies and Tools