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About Lee FBLA

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Officers and Managers


Robert E. Lee High School has over 1700 students, faculty and staff, representing 40 countries and speaking 45 languages. Since its establishment in 1958, Lee High School has become more diversified and international. The suburban setting of Springfield has allowed Lee High School to grow and interact with the community. Because of the close proximity to our nation's capital, the students of Lee High School have been able to experience the business world first-hand.

The Lee High School chapter of FBLA was established in the 1967 - 1968 school year. With only 25 members and two sponsors, the Future Business Leaders of America was established with the assistance of the business teachers. The president of the first Lee High School chapter of FBLA was Barbara Bayles; Mrs. Shulo and Mrs. Baily were its sponsors. Since then, FBLA has flourished at Lee High School.

The FBLA is the largest organization at Robert E. Lee High School. The Lee High School chapter membership for the 1999 - 2000 school year continues to be an award winning number - 276 active members. Our membership is committed to serving FBLA and the community. Our members reflect the diverse population of Lee High School.

Where is Robert E. Lee High School?

Where is Lee - Picture 1 Where is Lee - Picture 2

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Joyce Bell

Adviser - Bell
Carol Wilt

Adviser - Wilt
Bernice Golden

Adviser - Golden
Deborah Whitlock

Adviser - Whitlock
Barbara Karcher

Adviser - Karcher
Thuc Huynh

Adviser - Thuc

Responsibilities of an Adviser:

Be adaptive, innovative, and creative

Know the history, principles, bylaws, ceremonies, typical activities, and other essentials for the active operation of a chapter

Be aware of the guidelines for state and national competitive events

Be up to date with all FBLA-related policies, documents, publications, procedures, etc.

Share with members all materials received from state and national officers

Schedule regular chapter meetings

Ensure that chapter meetings are conducted in a businesslike manner using correct parliamentary procedure

Help maintain necessary chapter records

Distribute FBLA materials to members

Ensure that school administration, faculty, students, and the public are informed of chapter activities and outstanding student achievements

Serve as a liaison between the chapter and the school administration

Encourage parents to get involved in chapter projects and activities

Contact local businesses to promote FBLA in the community

Use the chapter as an instructional tool to develop and refine leadership and followership skills

Help develop an effective officer team, counsel chapter officers, and members, on an ongoing basis

Establish rules that will help members lead themselves and remain consistent with school policies and FBLA bylaws

Determine how best to integrate FBLA activities into the classroom

Encourage civic responsibility

LISTEN rather than do; GUIDE rather than lead; ENCOURAGE rather than implement

The information above was obtained from "Hints for Chapter Officers"

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Officers and Managers

Starting in May of the past school year, new officers were elected. Those who chose to run were prepared for a year of hard work and time-consuming dedication to the Business Department. The officers, managers, and advisers of FBLA organize most of the activities for the Lee High School Business Department and its students.

Click on an officer's name to see a bio of the officer, a list of responsibilities, and how to contact him/her



Vice President

Vice President











Credit Union Manager

Credit Union Manager

Public Relations Manager

PR Manager

Web Page Manager

Web Page Manager

Lance-A-Lot Balloon Store Manager

Balloon Store Manager


What is the difference between officers and managers?

Officers are elected, and managers are appointed to take responsibility for a specific project.

Responsibilities of all Officers:

Be informed about FBLA - know pledge, creed, goals, colors, etc.

Develop a personal program of work

Work closely with adviser on all chapter plans and activities

Attend all chapter and executive board meetings

Be cooperative and dependable; assume responsibilities and carry through

Represent FBLA well and be an example to other members with grooming, manners, speech, and promptness

Become familiar with and use chapter, state, and national bylaws

Become familiar with state and national publications, Pride of Virginia and Tomorrow's Business Leader

Work closely with other officers, committee chairmen, and members in carrying out the program of work

Know and use correct parliamentary procedure

Be diplomatic and democratic in working with others

Develop a folder of materials concerning duties that can be given to successor

Be prepared to give report of activities

Be enthusiastic about FBLA responsibilities

Advertise FBLA at every opportunity

Plan budget and get approval from school administration (See Budget - 12 KB)

The information above was obtained from "Hints for Chapter Officers"

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Membership Graph

Responsibilities of a Member:

Be prompt when attending chapter meetings and completing assignments

Accept their share of responsibilities for carrying out the business of the chapter

Be proud of FBLA and knowledgeable of its goals and activities

Be receptive to the ideas and opinions of others and respect their right to express these ideas and opinions

Constantly think and act for the benefit of the organization

Deliberate before reaching a decision, realizing the importance of compromise for the benefit of all chapter members

Know the purpose of each meeting and work toward accomplishing that goal

Complete all assignments to the best of their ability

Act in the chapter and the community in a manner that reflects favorably upon FBLA and business education

Cooperate with chapter officers and assist them in carrying out the leadership they were elected to provide

Serve on committees and run for office

Attend meetings and are actively involved

The information above was obtained from "Hints for Chapter Officers"

here to see a list of all members.

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here to see the organization chart.

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