KP Pun

KP Pun

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Have you ever wondered if there is a Beginning - a beginning of the Universe? And should there be a beginning, how did it happen? I tried to answer these questions in my Seventh Form astro-physics essay. Although it is a bit old now, it remains one of my more favorable pieces of work. This essay presents some theories on the origin and the possible future of the universe. It also touches on topics such as the formation and the life of stars, galaxies, quasars, neutrinos, dark matters, brown and white dwarfs, red giant, pulsars, black holes, nova as well as supernova.
Click to read about Astro-Physics!

Click to read Final Project Report! Reactive Obstacles in Waveguides
This is the title of my Undergraduate Final Year Project in Electrical & Electronic Engineering at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. This section includes the online version of the Project Report. The picture on the left shows the front panel of the software we developed using LabVIEW.

New Zealand
This page includes a few pictures of New Zealand.
Click to experience New Zealand!

Click to see My Resume! My Resume
My Resume.

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