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The internet is a wonderful place to voice your opinion in the great white expanse, so I’m adding my “yawp” to the mix!  I’m eager to share knowledge with other folks who are constantly seeking enlightenment, whether in the traditional Buddhist sense, or whether in the litmus test of each individual’s heart.  I still have a long way to travel and my path is widening the further I go.  I still stumble over pebbles big and small.  I still stray into the brambles in search of berries that turn bitter.  Isn’t that part of the human experience? 

Although everyone’s road is different, I believe there are universal truths that appear across all beliefs and philosophies.  I’ve only seen an infinitesimal portion of life.  Others have seen a different part and I’d love to hear from you. 

Please come to my website often.  Let me know what you would like to see.  Make suggestions.  Voice opinions.  Follow a thought…ramble on.  Namaste.

