Washington Old Hall Chapter DAR

Washington England UK

National Society Daughters of the American Revolution














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Washington Old Hall Chapter was organized October 3, 2003, in Northeast England. The chapter is named for the National Trust property, Washington Old Hall, the 17th century manor house and home of George Washington's earliest direct ancestors. We are one of the newest overseas chapters and one of three chapters in England. Since 2003, the chapter has grown in membership, community involvement, enthusiasm, and strength. We are eager to share our chapter's excitement with new members and associate members. We have chapter members and associate members from the United States and many foreign countries. For more information about our chapter please send an email to the webmaster. The hyperlink is at the bottom of the page.

Chapter Officers:

Regent       Patricia Everts 

Vice Regent Kelly Whittaker              

Registrar     Jeanie Gonering

Recording Secretary/Chaplain   Gloria Hassell



Last updated 23 February 2009


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