Diane Karagienakos

Diane Karagienakos

Daniel Teixeira-Gomes
Diane Karagienakos
brings a wealth of editorial and writing skills to the site. She's won awards for her short stories, successfully had her scripts produced, collaborated on poetry works and written copy for kids toys. Friends will say of her that she's "always changing and every change fabulous!"
Daniel Teixeira-Gomes
is the site's techno-nerd. This struggling Independent Film Producer/Director's interest in computers erupted forth when he built his first Sinclair ZX80. He currently earns an honest crust as an Technologies Consultant.
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Diane Karagienakos

The World Wide Web has grown bloated on a feast of minor mutations of itself. The result of thousands of individuals, producing countless sites on the same subjects - with near identical text and images - is an astronomical number clones.

Although this process is fundamental to the further evolution of the web, it is also critical that new blood is introduced to the information gene pool.

This should be the core mission of all who contribute to this new world. To keep it new. To keep it vital. To bring fresh perspectives and information, and to share it with others.

This IS the core purpose of this, The Wayward site. To put up or shut up. To bring together that which exists in the physical world and that which has existed only in the mind's eye of its creators. And to give it a home amongst this anarchistic web of intrigue.