Dredging Is Our Business

Welcome to the web site of Juno Maritime

To find out a bit more about us, please use the navigation bar on the left.

We hope you will find something of interest.

Please  contact us with your enquiry. We shall be happy to hear from you.

Out primary business is
dredging /coastal engineering.

We are based in the State of Kuwait

This Web-Site updated on 15th August 2004

Cofferdam under

Dredging Is Our Business | General Information | Who We Are /What We Do. | Directory of Related Links | Coastal Engineering | Juno Maritime & The Environment

To contact us:

Phone:   965 - 9089533
Fax:       965 - 5659029
Email: junomaritime@hotmail.com

Postal  Address
PO Box 6827  Salmiya
22079  Salmiya