Women's Care Center of the Heartland
Newsletter May 2005

Spiritual Director's Column

    Come Holy Spirit!
    We are fast approaching the close of another Easter Season. During these last days of the season the Church does again figuratively what the early Church did literally; go to the Upper Room to pray. The nine days between the Ascension of the Lord and the day of Pentecost make up the original "Novena" of prayer for the coming of the Holy Spirit. Ever since then, we have been called upon by the Church to renew that spirit of prayer each year by praying for a 'New Pentecost' and a renewal of the Church around the world. We do this in order to be better able to respond to Christ's farewell command to preach the Gospel to all the nations.
    One part of that Gospel includes the Gospel of Life. We are trying to respond to that Gospel of Life by our work here at the Women's Care Center of the Heartland. We have already done that in the case of three young women who have stayed with us thus far. We hope that even more mothers will have the opportunity to hear and see the Gospel of Life lived out here in the Holy Family House. We will make our Novena of prayer this year a special prayer for the Holy Spirit to guide more young mothers to choose the Gospel of Life and for themselves and the children. Keep us in your prayers, especially during the days leading up to Pentecost on May 15th.
    Happy Mothers' Day to one and all for the coming week as well.
        Yours in Christ and His Mother Mary,

God bless and keep you all,
Fr. Stephen Gutgsell, Spiritual Director

Letter from the Director

    Last year in Nebraska there were 3,584 abortions (down 400 from 2003.) Ninety percent of these were women 19 and older. Oh, how I wish we could reach out to them and offer an alternative.
    I have sent posters to area colleges offering our haven as a place for young pregnant women to have a positive chance to plan their future. Our generous donors have provided a wonderful opportunity for them and we pray that we can have the chance to do all we can to help.
    Our residents have been open to learn the many life skills needed to make a household operate smoothly. Working with life choices they make is the challenging aspect of this mission. Setting a constant Christian example – 24/7 – is required. We are blessed that Pat Auen can do it!!
    The Knights of Columbus let us have a display table at their state convention in North Platte. We showed the DVD that was made last fall. Our display board listed all the Knights Councils across the state that have helped us, and we distributed our new brochure that was hot off the press. The interest shown by the Knights and their wives was heartwarming.
    We have had a few tops donated that are specially made for nursing a baby – and I have ordered a pattern so we can make some here.
    I enjoyed explaining our program with the women of St. Wenceslaus Parish in Wahoo. If you belong to an organization that would be interested, please let me know. A tour for your group can easily be arranged.
    Please remember us in your prayers.
Carolyn LaGreca

The Heart of our Program

    Our curriculum, “Earn While You Learn,” provides a young woman good information during her pregnancy. We start with the first trimester lessons and continue with lessons until the baby has arrived. The lessons that the mothers seem to enjoy are the lessons that teach the mother how to massage their infant and the importance of touch.
    Another favorite are the ultrasounds that show the development of the baby. The lesson stresses the importance of touch and talking to the infant. We now know that a newborn is able to identify the mother through smell. In addition, the infant is able to see a short distance, although not clearly.
    The next newsletter will present other important lessons that our residents learn.
Pat Auen

Women’s Care Center welcomes pregnant women – woodchuck needed to move out!

    However, he (she) sure added to the intrigue of watching out the dining room window. A doctor’s authorization of pregnancy was not presented and we can’t have the neighbors calling regarding her unauthorized landscaping activities. Now we need to do the same for his/her mate.
    Watching the antics of the squirrels as they try to make it to the bird feeder made for many a delightful breakfast.

Tom Werner -- Nebraska “Knight of the Year”

    More than 900 hours were lovingly logged at the Women’s Care Center by this dynamo who many times stated “We have to get this finished because we are losing babies!”
     However, the Knights of Columbus don’t give this award to just any great guy who donates his life to a good cause, Tom has also been involved with St. Cecilia/Cathedral parish as lead usher, money counter, and maintaining the buildings. He refinished each of the 190 brass vents on each pew. St. Cecilia will celebrate its centennial and he has been working tirelessly on the scale model for the architectural plans. He refinished some of the wood on their new organ.
    As a member of Council 652, he helped to organize a pancake breakfast to benefit the poor, worked on the Sisters Appreciation Brunch and the booth for Cathedral Fest.
    He is now helping refinish the Community Center at St. Peters Church. We are proud to have had him on our team for three years of renovation here. God Bless Tom and Jane for all their involvement for the Omaha and the Catholic community!

Tekamah Parish Sponsors Walk for WCCH

    Fr. James Kramper and his parishioners generously chose the Women’s Care Center of the Heartland as the recipient of funds donated during their Parish Pilgrimage #2.
    Fifty people started their walk at St. Patrick’s Church in Tekamah and journeyed for 16 miles to St. Joseph Church in Lyons.
    During this 6-hour Pilgrimage on Sunday, April 24 the participants prayed for the sponsors of the event.
    At the end, they celebrated with a meal served at St. Joseph and Fr. Gutgsell, Spiritual Director of the Women’s Care Center was there to receive the donation.

Thank You

    to the 100 people who signed up for the Internet Shopping Service of My Club Card to benefit Women’s Care Center!
    Mr. Phil McMillan is promoting memberships for $24/ year with half coming to WCCH. This allows members to purchase online thousands of big-name products at excellent discounts.
    Please participate by signing up on line at Myclubcard.com and press the box with Women’s Care Center/Holy Family House.
    This service includes Bright Star program to register information on your family members in case someone is missing.

Memorials Masses will be offered for:

Madonna Christensen
by WCCH Board of Directors
Mark Grant
by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Josephine Gutgsell
by Robert & Marie Pfau
Robert Kuhse
by Mr. & Mrs. Lawrence Smith
Sara LaGreca
by Steve & Carolyn LaGreca
Tom McKernan
by WCCH Board of Directors
by Joe & Mary Pat Sacco
John Wagstaffe, Sr.
by WCCH Board of Directors
by Steve & Carolyn LaGreca


In honor of the Confirmation of
Lucy Gray

By Steve & Carolyn LaGreca
In honor of Jane King
By the St. Leo’s MOMS group
In honor of a BIG birthday of
Ann Marie Brown

By Steve and Carolyn LaGreca


       The Knights of Columbus's 
Supporting Women's Care Center of the Heartland
    at Christ the King Parish Center

654 South 86 Street
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 
11:30 until 1:30
$20 pre-pay before May 11
$25 at the door

Tables of 8 will be reserved with your name.
Please send checks to WCCH, 2301 S. 15, Omaha 68108


Fashion Show/Luncheon

Christ the King Parish Center
Wednesday, May 18 11:30
$20 pre pay -- $25 at the door
Sponsored by Knights of Columbus

Garage Sale in June

Starbucks Coffee employees and customers will be planting our herbs, flowers and vegetables – as soon as it warms up.

Mike Sambol, an Eagle Scout from St. Pius X will be creating a “Reflection Garden” for our residents.

Spaghetti Dinner

October 9
Sponsored by Knights of Columbus

If you want to adopt a mother for a month, week or a day -- the need is great and your reward is the gift of life.