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Pull up your chairs kiddies. We got a long one tonight. Go pee now. I'll wait. Are you back? Good here goes.

So i was lookin at the i-net when i cam across this fucked up site:

Wednesday 03/21/2001 10:42:38pm
Name: XXXX S. E-Mail: (AOL. Go figure)
Homepage Title: Trenchcoat,TRENCHCOAT MAFIA!!
Homepage URL:
Referred By: Just Surfed In
Location: USA

So I click on over to the site and this is what I'm greeted with....

If you are a Jock,LEAVE THIS FUCKING PAGE!. If you are a Wigger,LEAVE THIS FUCKING PAGE!. If you are a Cheerleader,stay awhile so i can rip off both of your arms and beat you to death with them,then i will kick you out of this page myself! ENJOY YOUR VISIT!...oh and tell your friends about this page. :-)

Ok now. Apparently this guy doesn't get the gist of my site. I do not preach hate. I do not preach violence. You can't see this entry in my guestbook but it is saved. I learned my lesson the last time. You know I knew I was going to get a crackpot guestbook signing or e-mail one of these days. I just never realized it would be from someone who worships Eric Harris. And where is this kids parents? I assume he is a kid because anyone out of high school shouldn't be bothered with this shit anymore. Now this site is a definite violation of TOS on his webhoster. And I think that AOL also has some kind of code of conduct clause in their user's policy. I'm more than half tempted to report him. The last thing I need is to be connected to something like this again. I had a friend of mine look up his profile. All it said was "Welcome To Our Fucked Up World". Now jocks and cheerleaders were never my favorite people in the world but I never wanted to kill them. Eric Harris was not a god. He was a coward. Just as much of a coward as the people who drove him to do it. So another friend of mine, whom I will always refer to as Gothic Preacher, takes upon himself to contact the Mystery Guestbook Signer (MGS) through AOL IM. For you see, Gothic Preacher took it just as hard as I did when the original shit went down. Something tragic happened to him as well in the wake of Columbine. All for being a goth. But that's his story and I'll let him tell that at his site. Which can be found here. Here is an edited version of the transcript of their conversation, with some of my own comments
GP: I heard that you are fucking with my colleague. Eric Harris is not god. He just caused a lot of trouble for both my site and his.
MGS: ?
GP: Are you that much of a FUCK
MGS: i just think he's interesting
MGS: i don't hate him
GP: Eric Harris is just a little fuck that made both The13thSuspect(My old handle) and I scapegoats for something we had nothing to do with.
MGS: you knew him?
GP: TheTrenchcoat and I go way back to 1997.The webmaster of that site and I have been linked since 1997, and when they forced him to take his site down. I was pissed and turned up the heat.
MGS: i own this website
GP: In the matter where another shooting happens -- I have to stand in the way here.
MGS: why? who are you?
GP: I am the webmaster of Writings From The Grave, the colleague of the one who was blamed.
MGS: i love your webpage
GP: But I don't support the killing of those who are different.
MGS: I only wrote something of that nature because I was pissed about the San Diego shit.
MGS: well i don't support jocks or anyone picking on and harassing "different people" for no fucking reason
GP: I was a jock
MGS: good for you
GP: but one that respected people
MGS: a jock got arrested a couple months ago at Columbine for doing the same as they did to Eric and Dylan
MGS: you support harassment in schools?
MGS: i don't

"what the fuck???"
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