A True Fairy Tale- Fuck jack and the beanstalk this ones more made up than Micky Mouse
Jesus= Sell out- at Christmas time who do we have to thank? the agent of capitalism Mr Jesus Christ!
Ban Religion- The Only way we can Save our soul is to get rid of religion
What Would JUDAS Do???- Now theres a guy you can take home to your mother
Structure of society, for the perfect thesis on the topic of religon you have to concider the work of Karl Marx and Bertrand Russel.
I Have never understood religion, we all know that santa is not real, right? well if your a 5 year old kid whos stumbled across this site then listen up and wake up, santa is not real. Any way we all seem to encourage the idea of promoting santa to children, so they are good and they behave for the year. If you told a adult that he santa does exist then you would be fighting a worthless cause, the adult is to wise to  support a stupid idea of a fat man in red giving you presents. However, there are still people who support religion, even though the same principle applys! the Priest promotes crap about a great god, and the people in turn follw the church/ society, and be good(santa/ "christain" God- Spot the difference). Religion is a worthless cause! "Give a man a fish and he will feed for a day, give the man religion and he will sit around preying for fish"
Religion: This is the drug of the weak and pathetic, it re-enforces the
How To be a better person- Now this is what i call realisitc
Abuse Of Power Comes As No surprise- signs of the times
An Athiest Response - thanks to mike @BRMB for this one!
God of the craps- Yep, who says that religion aint worth shit?!
Question: Are YOU Jesus?- Take the Jesus quiz! You may be the next Messiah
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Religious Links- I Couldnt of said it beter my self! Godless Links!
Child Exploitation - The Olsen Twins?- now these two birds are everything that america stands for- please note that this is not a pornographic page!
Are we being farmed?- This is a cool document about the current state of sanity in this world, the way thing are and the way that things are going
Trench Coat Mafia ???- wow sign me up to this cool club
Eat MEAT!!- fuck this for a shit aproach
Exclusive Timothy McVeigh Execution Footage!- This here is a little break from the usual shit on the site- thanks to K.Holland5@ntlworld.com For this one!
Organized Anarchy?!- this is an apporach taht we can all take
How To Make Bombs- heres a helping hand to start the new system
Your View!- Everyones a critic
Your Fan Mail- See some one does love me!
Your hate mail- thanks for your view now shove it up your ass!
Anti: CoCa Cola- the "all american" project explianed- another chapter of the american dream
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