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Being a Canadian, I thought my opinion would spark an interest with the anti-Americans. Although I am Canadian, you might as well call me American. Canadian culture has carried its cross and been left for dead to be replaced by the fascist, greedy, oppressive American culture. Everywhere I go in Ontario, I see the stars and stripes flying arrogantly on warehouses, stores, restaurants and corperate bulidings. I'm sick of seeing "Made in Taiwan" or "Made in a little country that Americans take advantage of for profit" on clothing labels from stores with names like American Eagle Outfitters in Canada. I'm sick of being treated like the armadillo shit that is the American President for being Canadian because my Prime Minister finally decided to cut the umbilical cord between America and Canada by denying Bush Canadian support in the war. Most of all, I am sick of knowing more about American history than my own country's. I'm definitely not the most patriotic Canadian, but this my home, and I will not have it invaded by some power-hungry fuckhead from Texas with nothing but guns and world domination on the brain. You are right; we need a new system. I, for one, refuse to be a citizen of Planet America.

I love your site; I deeply respect your point-of-view and your attempt to tell the world about it by using the web. Your website was very refreshing. I will definitely advertise your link on my website. I would be much obliged if you emailed me back.
~Miss Taryn
Dear friend, learn the lesson of love and your whole world will change. Why have you allowed yourself to get caught up in this illusion? Do you not see this planet is merely a school so the soul may progress and proceed on her journey. May your thought's become lofty so your words will truly uplift the world.  Wanted reformers of themselves not other's. I wish for you Love Peace- RW says: WHAT THE FUCK?! & Happiness
I skimmed over what you wrote about 9/11 while one part of me is sorry to admit it and for the lives lost. It was the kind of wakeup call the U.S needed. Also if more people remembered that God led his people into wars and other things then they might remember what the U.S is really about so keep it up.
Great site, its difficult to understand "the other way of thinking" please get in touch!!! thanks.
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