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a Fuck Everything editorial by www.WeNeedANewSystem.TK

My first reaction when I turned on the TV last week to see the news of the killings at Columbine High School was "Not this show again! All they do is talk and show people crying and they don't even show the violence. Plus it's on for like 10 days straight." But it's turned out to be even worse than the previous episodes. If I hear the fucking question "Why did this happen?" one more fucking time I'm going to go Kip Kinkle on more than just my school.WHY DID THIS HAPPEN?????? What are people, stupid? Did everyone just forget what high school was like? Is everyone in the world a fucking jock? The answer is so obvious it's ridiculous: THEY GOT FUCKED WITH BY ASSHOLE JOCKS FOR YEARS AND THEY FUCKING LOST IT!!! Let me put it another way. Why did this happen? JOCKS. Simple as that. BECAUSE THERE ARE JOCKS IN THE WORLD. That is why this happened.So now we're forced to listen to every news reporter, parent, priest, and fuck wad talk about "What can we do" and "How we can prevent this." Already schools around the country are BANNING TRENCH COATS! This is how fucking incompetent the people who are teaching your children are. Yeah, it must be the trench coats. Either that or Marilyn Manson, or the internet, or how about HITLER...yeah Hitler's always a good person to blame shit on. And I bet that old rascal Satan is involved in this somehow. So maybe if we ban trench coats we can finally kick Satan's ass off this earth. Naturally, no one in the fucking world is talking about the fact that these two sorry-ass fuck wads who pulled off this fucked-up shooting spree were picked on, beaten up and harassed on a daily basis by JOCKS and EVERYONE IN THE FUCKING SCHOOL KNEW ABOUT IT. One of the kids who got taken out was a weight lifter who the previous year had beaten one of these jerk offs to a bloody pulp for no apparent reason. Not only that, but according to the kid's father his ambition in life was to be a record company executive. So you might say that these Trench Coat Mafioso killed two birds with one stone where that kid was concerned.OF course, Fuck Everything would never endorse violence of any kind (unless it's against cops or hippies or stand up comedians), but it's high time someone said what is screaming to be said in all this bullshit. WE KNOW WHY THESE KIDS DID IT AND SO DO YOU. THEY WERE SICK OF JOCKS. THEY HAD ENOUGH. They were miserable unpopular pencil-necked geeks and they wanted to off themselves and take as many asshole jocks with them as they could. And what non-jock high school kid in America can honestly say they didn't laugh out loud when they heard the news that Klebold and Harris ran into the library and said "All the jocks stand up. We're going to kill you now." What non-weightlifting high school reject hasn't had that fantasy like ten billion times a day??Don't get me wrong, these two kids were clearly morons. Not only did the dig Marilyn Manson, but they were into KMFDM as well. They should have been locked up for that alone. Now, had they actually blown up the school, gone on a subdivision-by-subdivision killing spree, high jacked a plane and crashed it into New York City like they planned to, they would have been the greatest Americans who ever lived. Instead they are just a couple of lame-ass shit -for-brains who none will miss.However, this doesn't change the fact that the fucking jocks at every school in the world get away with murder every day and kids like Klebold and Harris are just supposed to take it in stride. Well guess what, they might not. All those beat-downs and swirlies and wedgies might start to get to them and they might just explode one day in a fucked-up frenzy of murderous rage. If you treat people like shit every day for years they might just come back and kill you. How fucking hard is that to understand?They said on the news that after last year's killings in Jonesborough, Arkansas the number of incidents of harassment of geeks, punks, and losers was WAY down. Gee, I wonder why?The answer to the question "Why" is, as I said quite simple: Jocks. The answer to the question "What can we do" is just as simple: Ban sports, encourage ritual harassment and belittling of anyone who plays or even watches organized sports, and pay prostitutes to publicly blow all the unpopular kids so they won't give a shit if anyone likes them or not
And in reply i got...
"You are a total moron. I don't like some jocks all that well myself, but I hope one beats your ass for saying nonsense like that. It is the stigma you create for yourself by thinking that jocks are more popular and look down upon you. They don't give a fuck about you, and you should not give a fuck about them. The real problem is other peoples perception of them, and not the other way around. Don't let them dominate you, and you should know better ways aside from murdering them. I hope you lead a long and miserable life you son of a bitch."
"Ban sports???
c'mon man i've got a lacrosse game at 3.
Besides, blaming "jocks" is not the answer. Instead they should just hold EVERYONE in high school accountable for hurting someone else's feelings.
I graduated over three years ago, but i still remember how it works. From what i recall, every person in the school at one time or another hurt someone elses feelings. Girls were probably worse than the boys (a gender difference i dare not delve into at this point) in high school as far as harrassing other "unpopular" females and excluding them from their social circles.
High school is what some might refer to as a "learning experience".
Those kids that were picked on might have taken the lessons learned in h.s. and applied them to their lives afterwards. Instead, they chose (and it was their choice) to become the people they claimed to hate the most...those who would pass judgement on others without thought. It's the ultimate hypocritical scenario.
The kids who pulled the trigger are just as guilty as those who had persecuted them."
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