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Thank God For September 11th...
No doubt I will receive countless replys calling me all sorts of names but I think September 11th is something that NEEDED to happen. I am a WHITE punx with an open mind, I look at the FACTS. America could be called a modern day "Babylon". Your military might is unsurpassed around the world yet these men wielding box cutters and knives shook America through to its foundation. I think America was once a great country, its ideals of freedom are excellent yet it has been diluted by greedy corporations and false governments. Why is it that Americans ALWAYS need someone to blame for their problems? Muslims are the 'new' target, even though 90% of them are GOOD people. Islam doesnt preach hatred or even religious intollerance (unlike Christianity which preachs that unless you believe in their God and follow his words you will go to 'hell') Dont make Islam and Arabs become a scapegoat for Americas problems. In such a violent time we live in love should be what we strive for, not war and hatred. You should strive to make your country a better place, not trade violence for violence and continue the never ending cycle of death.
And in reply i got...
"open minded huh? i see you didn't mention that 90% of americans are also pretty cool, it's just that people doing good isn't picked up upon
it sure was a shock to america, the first time the mainland's been attacked since 1812, something was needed to stop the 'dream view' of america, but it could've been done without 3000 or so deaths
that shouldn't happen to anyone
and by the way... it's spelt with a K not an X
christianity does not preach war at all, they don't say 'follow god or you'll go to hell'
the church has moved on (a little) from that, however they're starting to go full circle back to that lovely fundamentalism that we all know and love
it's a few bad people and a shitload of ignorant people that follow em
what is perceived as christianity now is kinda shitty, jesus taught a lot of good stuff, just that certain people have distorted it to suit themselves and their want for power
that's all 9-11 was in my opinion, jealousy and hunger for power
i agree that america could have been doing a LOT more to help those in need, i'm not disagreeing, totally with you... just quite a lot hehe"
i'd like to point out that though maybe 90% of us (americans) may be good, before 9/11 we weren't quite a country. i mean that we weren't together. i saw a commercial that showed a street of town houses, all different colors, a street you may find in san francisco. across the screen it said, "terriots tried to change our country" and then the picture changed. it showed the same street, only now littered, decorated with American flags. then it said, "well they did". i thought that was extremely inspirational. becuz as bad as 9/11 was, and horrible and all that, we did sorta need it as a wake up call. i mean you gotta sort the positive from it.

i don't think we deserved it at all. i don't think that all those people that died deserved it.
i heard that one plane that crashed into the wtc buildings had a elementary class on it, going on a class trip. did those kids deserve that? the most unlikely way to die. what about all those husbands or wives?

it's poeple like you, that are coausing our country to band together and strike...against you. even though we came together after 9/11, some people went the opposite way. cases as the american flag wasn't aloud to be in a school or that the pledge of allegiance was "unconstitutional"....well both of those cases were brought to an end swiftly and intolerably....if you don't like the damn government or country, then LEAVE!
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