[4] Parted

Sleepless I listen to the surge and drone
And drifting roar of the town's undertone
Till through quiet falling rain I hear the bells
Tolling and chiming their brief tune that tells
Day's midnight end. And from the day that's over
No flashes of delight I can recover;
But only dreary winter streets, and faces
Of people moving in loud clanging places;
And I in my loneliness, longing for you.

For all I did today, and all I'll do
Tomorrow, in this city of intense
Arteried activities that throb and strive
Is but a beating down of that suspense
Which holds me from your arms.

I am alive. Only that I may find you at the end.
Of these slow-striking hours I toil to spend.
Putting each one behind me, knowing but this -
That all my days are turning toward your kiss.
That all expectancy awaits the deep.
Consoling passion of you eyes, that keep
Their radiance for my coming, and their peace
For when I find you my love's release.

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