Welsshwitch on the Web
The View From My Home
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If ever your out flying around on your broom, take a detour over Wales and see the beautiful valley's that we are so lucky to live in.
Mountains surround the valley's and there are still some wonderful woodlands, thankfully still unspoilt by modern society.
I could never imagine how it would be to never walk along the banks of a river, take shelter under a canopy of tree's, or fall to the floor from the exhaustion of climbing a mountain just for the thrill of seeing the wonderful views from the top.
Sadly, I have seen much descecration of our local woodlands in the last few years and it frightens me to think that maybe one day my children and their friends will not have the luxury of seeing such wonderful places and views as I have seen whilst growing up in South Wales.
If you have a site and would be interested in joining a web-ring please let me know, would love to hear from anyone with an interest in witch-craft, paganism and other Welsh witches.
More Witches from Wales.
The Penyrheol Witch
Many years ago it was well known that a  witch was able to turn herself into any animal form, and on one autumn morning,  a team of local huntsmen led by thier snarling hounds came over the top of Penyrheol mountain, chasing a hare.  The hounds hungry for blood, were yelping and howling as the horns rallied them on. They were almost upon their prey when the hare leapt through a small crack in the side wall of Tirbach cottage, but not before the headmost hound sunk its teeth into the hare's hind leg.
The head huntsman went into the cottage but could find no trace of the wounded animal, only an old lady, sat upon her bed, looking closer at the old crone he noticed she was bleeding from a leg wound.  Panic-stricken the gent ran from the cottage for fear that the woman was one of the shape changing witches and she would therefore cast her evil eye on him and curse his name.
From that day on, the hunt never strayed across that part of Penyrheol mountain.

With Samhain almost upon us I thought i'd add this great pic!!
Hope your all getting all your halloween costumes and decorations ready, and your scheming about what your gonna do to those little 'Trick or Treaters'. 
Get those sound effects tapes out find the best scream and have a speaker right next to door, so when you switch it on, you scare the poor little mites out of their costumes.