July 9th 2001

The First Visit

Today I went to the mental health office, I wanted to see a psyhchiatrist, but of course being an HMO they have all kinds of rules, so patients have to see the CPSW first, (certified psychiatric social worker) uh-huh. So we talk for 45 minutes and he says what I knew he would say, that I'm depressed, he then says there is a month wait to see the psychiatrist so that I can get a prescription...uh..... well..... what if I was in real bad shape? Anyway...I'm a little peeved, I mean I could've told him I was depressed, I could've told him that since there has been no significant traumatic or stressful even in my life that precipitated this depression that it is clinical depression, not reactive, and therefore I do need some help via medication to help me get better. Now since I could say all that, why do I have to sit and chat with him for the next 3 weeks instead of with a "real" shrink?

No that's not negativity, just a little wendy reality check. In any case I made the appointment to see the psychiatrist which is a month away, just like Mr. CPSW said it would be, and the return appt to see Mr. CPSW. next week, where I guess he can be free to analyze me and my depression a little more...

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