Weslaco High School Class Of 1973    
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Our 30th year reunion has come and gone, but the memories will remain with us for a long time to come.  It was without a doubt a very successful 30th year reunion thanks to all of you.  To that end, I would like to thank the following individuals for a job well done. 

Procurement Committee Chairman: Armando Tafolla;  Spent endless hours contacting individuals vis-à-vis through out the Valley.  Without Armando, we would have not succeeded. 

Publicity Committee Chairman: Roman Robles;  Roman did a tremendous job of publicizing our reunion event.  Roman was responsible for advertisements in local newspapers and television.  We are very grateful for his hard work and dedication.  We are also proud of the fact that the cost to our class for all this advertising was ZERO dollars!  Good job Roman! 

Prizes Committee Chairs: Laura Vasquez Balli and Israel Balli;  These two husband and wife team members procured many, many prizes way below the budgeted amount forecasted.  I believe in total that amount spent was $70. Wow!  This took a tremendous public relations effort!  Laura and Israel, we can never thank you enough! 

Name Tag Committee Chairs: Belen Loya Sanchez & Armando Tafolla: How 'bout them name tags with pictures, did you all like them? The two individuals behind the scenes responsible for this effort were Armando and Belen.  Get this, some late registrants did not have pictures on their tags, but Armando produced them on the spot the night of our reunion! Now that is service.  Armando and Belen, we are forever grateful and just so you'll know, I will keep mine forever! 

Nostalgia Committee Chair: Laura Vasquez Balli; What a tremendous job of putting together this wonderful collage! Thanks to Laura, we were able to enjoy some of our yesteryear pictures on display! Laura, thank you for a job well done.   

Search and Refer Committee Chairs: Armando Tafolla and Jesse Ortiz; What a job this was! We started with practically zero individuals on our database and it grew to over 100 contacted!  Thank you Armando and Jesse for taking the time to call and/or visit with many of our classmates. 

Teachers Committee;  Armando Tafolla and Laura Vasquez Balli;  Do you all know how hard it is to find teachers that taught us more than 30 years ago? These two individuals found several.  We did have two teachers attend, Mr. Garcia and Mr. Salinas.  Thanks Armando and Laura. 

Executive Committee Members:  This committee was made up of several individuals.  Belinda Robles, Freddy Lopez, Armando Tafolla, and myself.  We oversaw the month to month progress and address issues in an efficient and decisive manner. As Chair of this committee, I must say that I truly enjoyed working with each one of you.  God bless you and thank you very much.  Also, special thanks to Belinda for the fine cake she donated to our reunion planning kickoff meeting in Progreso last July 4th

Decorations Committee Chair:  Blanca Chavez Flores.  Special thanks to Blanca and all the classmates who assisted in decorating the hall.  What a tremendous job they did in putting all this together!  Those centerpieces were very popular indeed.   

I want to also thank the following sponsors.  These parties provided either monetary or prize donations: 

Jesse Ortiz, Armando Tafolla, Uvense Valdez, Israel and Laura Balli, Alma Gaytan Filoteo, Marta Delgado Perez, Juan and Marta Rivera, Librada Cadena, Jaime Garcia (Music-in-Motion), Dairy Queen, Taco Ole, and Jones and Cooke, and Gonzalo Marin (Godel Printing). 

A special thanks goes to our Webmaster designer, my son, Marco Antonio Becerra.  He spent endless hours putting this website together and also updating.  He has made a committed to continue the updates and maintenance post reunion.  The cost to our class is ZERO!  Great job Marco! 

For all those classmates that were unable to attend, we truly missed you all.  Our preliminary feedback is that some classmates want to have another reunion in 5 years, our 35th reunion.  That is something to keep in mind for future consideration. 

On a personal note, I would like to say that I have never enjoyed myself so much in one night and I believe many of you share the same sentiment.  The culmination of our night with our school fight chant song said it all.  As we were winding down the last minutes of our reunion, I took a look back at all of my classmates and was overcome with emotion as we were cheering, shouting, clapping to the Weslaco Fighting Panthers Fight Song!  My friends, to me that was the greatest feeling in the world!  I thank you for making it possible and making this event a dream come true for all of us.  God bless you and lets keep in touch because "we may never pass this way again". 

Your classmate and friend, 

Roy Becerra

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In Memory

If you love someone, tell them.  Remember always to say what you mean.  Never be afraid to express your feelings.  Take this opportunity to tell someone what they mean to you.

In memory of our beloved classmates..............

Raul Armendariz
John Balli
Elida Cantu
Margarito Casanova
John Greene
Rene Leal
Rosie Rios
Juan Segura
Willie Vargas

Juan Garcia
Ruben Mata   


Please provide feedback with what you thought of our 30th reunion to Roy Becerra at
rxbecerr@yahoo.com or give him a call at 972.390.9026.


Send mail to mab_78@yahoo.com with questions or comments about this web site.