Com-Pacs Owned
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Sailing Sooths the Soul

Here's a list of the boats we've owned over the years.   As you can, we're quite partial to Com-Pacs.  They offer the traditional look we like while providing solid construction and the use of good quality hardware.  

For our growing picture collection, go to the Photo Album page.

"Lil'l Bit" a 1976 Com-Pac 16.  Hull # 320 and was owned for 2 years

"Champagne" a 1984 Com-Pac 19.  Hull #168 and was owned for 5 years.  She's still moored in our marina by the owners who bought her several years ago, so we still get to see her.

"Kiwi" a 1990 Com-Pac 23D.  Hull #520 and was owned for 3 years.  Sailed her on several 10 day get-a-way trips during ownership.

"Sandy" a 1990 Com-Pac 27.  Hull #125 and was unfortunately only owned for 1 year.

"Scotch Bonnet"   a 1988 Com-Pac 19/3.  Hull #472 and is the current boat we own. We're getting ready to spend 10 days on the water gunkholing in March and should have some new pics soon.