South African Guided Coach Tours 

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9 Day 8 Night Western Cape Coach Tour

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South African Coach Tours Pictures
South African Coach Tours Pictures
South African Coach Tours Pictures
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Revised: 05 Nov 2007 08:19:04 +0200.

South African Photography Tips - South African 9 Day 8 Night Western CCape Guided Coach Tours

This is a responsible tourism local tour guide job creation effort.

Western Cape Guided Coach Tour

It's important to know the behavior of the target you're trying to photograph. By understanding their behavior you will have a better chance of finding them and you will be able to predict their actions. 

By reading up on South Africa you will learn the different kinds of terrain the various topics prefer. You can combine that knowledge with that of your tour guide to plan the best tour and walks, where you will have the opportunity to take some amazing photo's. 

Security is very important, so make sure that you don't put yourself in danger. Also never interfere with the natural behavior in order to take a better photo!

Some part of all trips will involve meeting people from local tribes and with cultural backgrounds different from yours. Please be courteous when taking pictures. It is always a good idea to build rapport with your subjects first and then ask them if it is OK to take their picture. Tribal folk can be very suspicious of cameras and vocal and demonstrative with people who shoot first and make friends after. 

The following tips should help you to take memorable photos while on your safari tour:

When taking close-up pictures, focus on the target's eyes. This guarantees that most of the face will be in focus. Be prepared and ready with your camera at all times, as special scenery may suddenly appear and disappear just as quickly. 

A 200 or 300 mm lens (or 80-300 zoom) is good for most  photography from vehicles or boats. A 400-500 mm lens will work well in many situations, especially if you are a keen bird or animal photographer. A standard 50mm or wide angle lens. If you plan to buy new camera equipment before this trip, make sure you are completely familiar with it's operation. Try to envisage the type of lighting and subject conditions you will experience on the trip, and use a few rolls of film to. 

Picture-Taking Advice:
Do not let your camera blind you. There is a whole world out there and pictures only capture the images. The sights and sounds of all areas are all interwoven. 

Binoculars are strongly recommended for every trip member. They are invaluable for observing larger animals as well as birds. A 7 or 8 power binocular works well for most people, but if you are particularly interested in birds a 10 power is suggested
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