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Greece from 300 B.C.through
700 B.C.

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Attica(Greece) was where civilization began
Solon divides tribes into Council of Four Hundred to make law around 594 BC

Arisitophanes produced the comedic play, The Archarnians 425 BC

Athens wins a battle in 406, then executes its generals for leaving behind survivors

Athenian: Democracy in the age of Demosthenes In 367 B.C.

Athenians concluded a truce with Dionysios I, the tyrant of Syracuse

Demosthenes was a leader in Greece during the Hellenistic Age around 336
Rhetors were statesmen and orators that argued in the Assembly during the 400-300 B.C.

Strategors were generals in the navy or army

Athenian born citizen voted at the polis and participated at the Assembly

Taxes were paid by citizens and noncitizens alike to remain in Athens

Athens was the most populous of the city states of that age with its
Many ethnic groups lived in what we know to be (Attica)Greece
Slavery was legal and a prosperous business
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There has been many plagues of rats that have killed many with their diseases which has been a curse on mankind. Our rats are funny.

Alphonso Johnson