flying without wings

chapter thirty three

We drove back to Dublin on Sunday morning. Mark couldn't drop off cos he needed to see the lads for some Westlife meeting. It was fine with me although I would miss kissing him. Thank goodness I'm coming with him to the lads' Asian Tour or else I'd be left alone crazy.

After sharing a long kiss with Mark inside the car, I went into my apartment. I was so happy after being able to share the weekend in Sligo with the Feehilys.

When I entered my apartment I saw a small package for me. I thought, post office didn't operate on weekends did they? I opened it and was very surprised. I was quite shaken by what was inside it. The phone rang.

'Hello?' I was trying to get a control over my voice. 'Emily? Hiya! How are you?' 'Sandra! Thank goodness! I'm fine thank you!' Sandra was a friend of mine from the music store, where I worked. 'Where have you been huh?' 'Been to Sligo over the weekend with my boyfriend.'

I couldn't tell her who my boyfriend was, of course, cos me and Mark hadn't gone public. I chatted with Sandra for a while but I kept glancing back at the package I received. 'Listen Sandra, can I call you back? I just gotta do something okay?' 'Okay. See you later!' 'Bye!'

After putting down the phone I ran to the bathroom. The package was so tempting I couldn't resist it anymore. My heart was screaming at me, not to do it, but I wanted to do it so much. It brought back a lot of memories. After all, I'd be fine when Mark got back, or so I thought.

Mark got home in time and I was already fine by then. 'How's my girl doing hmm?' He kissed me. How could I stand not kissing him for the whole day today, I thought. 'Everything went alright hun?' He didn't answer my question.

'I missed you. I didn't know how could I stand being away from you so much while I went out for the day and missed you so much.' I gave him a long kiss. Hmm, this definitely feel better, I thought. We didn't have a proper dinner but instead we cuddled up on the couch and watch TV for the whole night until I declared that I was really tired. 'You or the baby sweetie?' Mark teased me. 'Both.' Mark laughed.

Mark didn't go straight to sleep. He waited until Emily went to sleep and watched her under the moon light. She does look a bit different, he thought. How could I love a girl so much, he asked himself. Mark had never been like this before. He loved Emily so much, but what made it different was that he had always been in love since he met Emily at the hospital. He could drive himself crazy when Emily got angry at him at the hospital. He knew it was too fast but he couldn't stand it. There was something inside him that was telling him to tell Emily. He laughed so much with Emily and he truly thanked God for sending Emily to him. Mark was drowned in his own thoughts when he heard Emily mumbling in her sleep.

He decided to go to the toilet and woke up slowly, careful not to wake Emily up. Mark turned on the lights and he knocked off the rubbish bin. 'Ah, silly me.' Mark thought. He tried to put the rubbish back inside when his eyes caught something strange and that something strange managed to widen his beautiful big eyes.

'Mike. Stop, don't. Please leave me alone. Don't! Please, don't!' Mark was surprised when he heard Emily's voice. He quickly went back to see what was going on. Emily was mumbling in her sleep. Wait, did he hear Emily calling out for some guy? Mike was it? Who was Mike? Mark was clearly burned with jealousy. His cheek went really red but not because of embarrassment. Mark never felt this upset and betrayed like this before. And to add his pain, this was done by the girl he loved dearly.

He didn't bother to wake Emily up anymore. He didn't need any same old explanation. When he actually fell in love for the first time, an event he had been longing for, his lover broke his heart into pieces by smashing his trust. At the same time, Mark was also confused. He loved Emily too much to let her go but somehow he remembered his dad told him once if he loved something, let it go and if it came back, it was definitely his'.

He decided to write a short note and placed it on his side of the bed. Before he left the room, he glanced back at Emily and saw her little bump. He should had noticed what she had been doing and he didn't know how long had she been doing it for.

'That's my child too who's she's hurting.' He whispered really slow and went up to touch Emily's little bump for the first time. He could feel a sprinkle of tear coming down his eyes.

He finally left and drove away, not knowing where he was to go late that night.

chapter thirty-four