if I die tonight

chapter two

It's a sunny summer morning when Shane Filan enters the little office this faithful day. After almost 20 years under cover he's back for an exclusive chat about his life. I myself interviewed the guys in the beginning of their career, almost 50 years ago, and I firmly remember that time. Shane's pretty much the same, relaxed, considerate, and ever so professional. And, being female, ever so good-looking... yes, ageing has been very good to him. Anyway, we're going to have our little chat then!

* What made you come back and do this interview after so many years? "Well, I was asked to do it, and I thought it wasn't all such a bad idea. After all, when the group was still together so much about the backsides of living on the road and keeping a relationship going could never be spoken off. I just felt it'd be a good idea to come back for a final interview, setting the record straight."

* Was it partly because of the fact it'll be published on your wife's death day?
Long pause. "Yeah, partly. It's hard cos I never really see the day as my wife's death day, it's more, well, our anniversary."
* But if she'd still been alive, you'd been celebrating your 44th anniversary, do you think you'd still have been together? Quickly, "Yes, definitely. We had a very strong relationship and I know people doubted we'd last very long when we married, but we proved them wrong. After all, we'd been through so much together and it all added strengths to our relationship."

*You went through a lot together, yeah. So, now, will you tell us the story then?
"Certainly, this may take very long, but, it'll have to be done I guess!"

*Go on then...
"OK, I first met Nikki... let's see... it must've been back in August 1999. Yeah, that's true, we'd just released 'If I Let You Go' and were back home in Ireland for promotion. I was totally shattered after months away on the road. We had a big following already, but the minute I walked out to greet the fans at the airport that day, I noticed her. She just somehow stood out from the rest...

"I remember thinking there was something about that girl that made me feel at ease. I was signing for another fan, and then looked up and met her gaze. It was the first time ever that happened, but it was fantastic. It was like for a moment all the problems of everyday life were gone and nothing mattered but... her. None of us moved until she blushed, smiled and turned around...

chapter three