I need you

chapter four

We arrived outside the hotel, there was no one around so we walked up to the reception inside in the warmth. "I'm here to see..", "Hey Keri, it's you ain't it?", what was this with Shane butting in stopping me mid sentence! "Yeah...and er, this is Laura.". Laura ran over to Shane and gave him hug, "Ooooh lovely to meet you, how r u?", she cried. "Erm, fine, I just wanna...um.. speak to Keri for a min", Shane said trying to move away from Laura, he seemed nervous and fidgety, well I suppose that was the effect Laura had on him I told myself! "Go on then, go off and leave me all on my own", Laura said sarcastically. Something caught my eye over by the reception desk, a young guy hiding his tired face under a baseball cap. "Look", Shane replied, "You can go and keep Bry company - Here Bry I've got a lady for you!", at that Bryan came walking over grinning, he took Laura's hand and they went off giggling down the corridor. "Where do ya find all these lovely ladies Shane?!", Bry said jokingly. It seemed like Shane and I were in silence for an age, just the two of us sitting there, I eventually plucked up the courage to say something. "So...erm...nice hotel", ok I know it was stupid buy what was I meant to say? Shane had been looking at the floor but was now looking into my eyes. "Yeah it is, look... I er, wanted to say that I'd like to get to know you a bit better.", at that moment Shane's phone rung, I turned to look out the window, I didn't dare look him in the eye, I could see in the reflection of the window he was watching me, what did he really feel towards me? "Look, sorry I've got to go, could I have your telephone number?", Shane rose from the seat and handed me a piece of paper to write on. "Yeah, ok. Do you know where Laura is?", "Yeah, she'll be somewhere with Bry, I'll send her down!", with that Shane leant over and hugged me, and began to walk back to his room. Suddenly he turned and jokingly shouted "Ring me or I'll get Bry on ya!", laughing he disappeared round a corner. I sat and waited for 5 minutes until Laura appeared grinning. "And what happened to you?", I joked, "Hmmmm, wouldn't you like to know!..... I'll tell you anyway, me and Bry were just sitting in his room play fighting over which TV channels to watch then he suddenly leant over and snogged me, it was maaaaaad", Laura was jumping up and down excitedly. "Ooooh, so when's the wedding", I laughed. "Haha, you're just jealous, his got my number and says he'll give me a ring tonight." We left the hotel and all the way home I had Laura trying to decide between Bryan and Shane, I wasn't listening half the time, and I was too busy thinking about Shane. I couldn't figure out if I loved him or if it was just lust. Anyway, I'd told myself that he didn't feel the same about me, so there was no point bothering with it.

chapter five