the guy in the towel

chapter three

The next morning

‘Where have you been? I asked when Jenny returned to our room early in the morning. ‘I’ve been worried about you.’

‘No place special’, she said with a funny smile on her face. ‘Just out.’

‘I bet you have. Come on, you can tell me.’

Jenny still just had that strange grin on her face.

‘Don’t tell me… no… you’ve been with that guy, am I right? What’s his name again? Bryan, right?’

‘Bryan. NO! Why do you think that. I don’t know him.’

‘I was just thinking, you two wondered off together last night and you don’t come home until now. It kind of makes me wonder.’

‘OK, I was with him but if anybody else should ask me I’d deny it ‘till I was blue in my face.‘

‘I knew it! Tell me, what happened? Give me ALL the details. NOW!’

‘Well, he has blonde hair, he’s a bricklayer….’

‘Stop fooling around. I know all that. I was there when you met him you might remember. Tell me about what happened AFTER you left us in the bar.’


‘I think I want a pinch of fresh air before I go to bed, wanna join me Bry or are you heading strait to bed?’

‘Of course I’ll join you, why cut such a splendid evening short if you don’t have to.’

We went out just walking around in the night. We passed some club and went inside to see what was going on.

‘Do you want something to drink, Jen?’

‘Just one then, then we should head back to the hotel. The others could worry you know.’

After the drink we both were quite drunk and going back to the hotel wasn’t easy. We came into the lobby and went giggling into the elevator. When we stepped out in our floor we could hardly see anything because the lights were down for the night. I stumbled and took Bryan with me in the fall. As he landed on top of me he said:

‘This I could get used to.’

‘Why don’t you then, I said teasingly. By the way, isn’t this your room?’

‘Yeah’, he said while helping me up.

He looked at me for a while, not sure how to say goodbye.

‘Want some help warming up that bed of yours?’ (I was only kidding of course but Bry didn’t seem to think so.)

He took my hand and led me into the room after he’d checked it was empty. Before I really knew what was happening we were both in Bry’s bed…’

‘Stop right there. I said I wanted to hear everything but some things I think it’s better I don’t know’ Anna said.

‘OK, but it was some pretty good stuff going on… So what happened with you then after we’d gone? You stayed in the bar right? With Mark and….’

chapter four