What I want is what I've got

chapter five

"Don't tell me you've forgotten me..." I said as I covered my face with my hands, hoping for the worst. It was silence for another few seconds when I heard, "Angie! Nice to see you again!" I slowly opened my eyes and saw that he had a smile on his face. He had actually remembered me. "You actually remembered!" I said with relief.

Shane sat down beside me and replied with a smile, "Of course I remember you... I would recognise you anywhere... I think you went to see Kian before you came around. So what did you two best pals did together?" I forced a smile and replied sadly, "I went to see him but he is not the Kian I used to know anymore. He is a totally changed man..."

Shane was shocked. "But I thought..." he tried to say but I interrupted him. "You thought that we were best of friends and we would never leave each other... yeah, I thought so too but it is not true. He doesn't like to do the things we used to enjoy doing and especially him not going to his favourite lunch place... it is very weird!" I explained as I forced a smile. We then heard thumping sounds and Mark appeared. "Angie? Is that you?" he said with a frown.

I smiled and nodded. He grinned and then came over to sit. Shane then explained my situation to him. "That Kian... I think I know why. He has been really stressed about what we are doing now. He has always been dedicated to his work and never wants anything to interfere with it..." Mark explained.

It was true. Kian was serious in everything that he did... from becoming to a superstar to just cleaning up his room... he did them with determination and perseverance. "Well... I think he is just putting his career before any others. Westlife has gone a long way from where we came from and I am sure that Kian does not want it to go to waste after he has put in so much effort for this group..."

Shane nodded in agreement and placed his arm over my shoulder, "If you need any help, we'll be there for you. Just give us a call. You don't have to come all the way to our place just to talk to us. Besides, we'll be here until the end of next month." I looked into both their eyes and said, "Thanks guys. I would never know what to do without both of you."

Mark and Shane gave a brilliant smile. Suddenly, I smelled something really bad. "Ooh, what's that smell?" Shane, who noticed it, too asked. Mark's expression then changed into a panicky look. "My eggs! I totally forgotten about it!" he cried. Shane and I laughed as Mark dashed into the kitchen. I then stood up and was about to leave when Shane stopped me. "Angie, I think I have an idea," Shane said.

I smiled and asked what it was. Shane grinned and replied, "Well, Westlife is going to have dinner together at Kian's place later tonight. We are going to celebrate our success. Maybe you can come and talk to Kian privately..." I hugged Shane and answered, "I'll be there. Thanks Shane." However, as I made my way to the door, Shane stopped me again. "Look Angie. I have something to tell you. Something very important..."

"Look Angie, there is something I wanted to tell you since the day I met you... you are the most wonderful girl I have ever met all my life. If you were not with Kian, I would have told you this earlier. The truth is... I really really like you Angie. I know I may sound a bit foolish but I know that you are the one for me..." Shane explained.

This came as a double shock for me. I could not take it anymore. First it was Kian losing his old self and now it is Shane telling me that he likes me. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. " I have to go now. See you later Shane..." I said as I took my leave.

chapter six