A very strange map to a very strange site....
Index...home...starting line...finish line...umm yah, ok the first page
Star Trek and..weird April things..let's call the "The New Dark Zone"
(It's scary..really--but still go there!) dark zone??? GRRRR RENEE!!!!
....and there's Lexx (ooo yes..click me!) All though this site uhh..isn't so great..yet..it's. .well.....  it's got a picture of Kai on it!
And then, there's Star Wars..yaaay! Ok..yes, you should definately go here too hehe
Legolas things and yesss
Other LOTR page, goodness oddness yessss you love it
Educate yourself !!!!!!  brought to you from Renee.. who as brought you things like... " why blue is cool" and "why cant Jedi wear blue"
Episode of Lexx that should be watched forever and ever and then again.
A little of Keevan ( in the house Yo... lol)
if you understand me saying "NI" then you  will understand this page..
To learn about me... click here... when i say me i mean April.. Weird weird weird things, like plays, about well..everything in this site combined, interesting ... yes? yes.
And Such...other odd things and mostly Renee stuff but umm whatever and there are smurfs running around and uhh strange manipulations of pictures..hahahahhahaha!
yet more educational stuff... all about Neuofibromatosis  um.. yeah...  its april stuff...
Yes, we realize this makes almost no sense..but..umm..I tried to organize it, sooo....do I get points for effort? hehehe..anyway, it's not a very good map but umm hopefully you'll be able to figure it all out without a map anyway so...go explore!  You know, Lewis and Clark didn't have maps so...when you find something you didn't expect to see, in the explorative spirit,  just scream "Dr. Livingston I presume?!?"