What About Me??
What About......
Funnier than  a monkey on Viagra!
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Updated:9/7/03: After nearly a month i have FINALLY done a MAMOTH update! sorry it took so long peeps,was a mixture of playing unreal 2, Watching the new series of He-Man on cnx..how much does that rule!Takin hollie out with my proverbial (lack) of "Bling Bling" and my general lazyness!!Anyway i would like to welcome Kittie bk to my site in a more involving way...after stealing her back off Dave.she now has her own page she which should be interesting! get those sarcastic fingers and thoughts working away woman!...P.S. sorry dave! mwahahahahaha! Nearly everything has been updated with a few new pages added! check em out!!
"When i grow up...i wana be a tramp..."
"Kitties Quote of the week": Love is like a flower, eventually it dies.
Past Life changing Quotes here
Updated:11/06/03: Pics FINALLY added to the drunkfun gallery, still have 2 get some films developed tho, and "women u know uve had enough 2 drink when"... added check em out!!
On Bill "the singing hamsters jukebox" this week is: Smashing Pumpkings:Ava Adore
Updated: 09/06/03:After about a week of neglect i have finally updated my site.more pics added to the gallery and all the weekly stuff changed...will do the drunkfun pics soon...jus got bored!! have fun peeps..keep singing that guestbook!!
Past Jukebox Hits here
Update:29/5/03/: After my drunken night at rios with Ste and Dave i now have many photos, which i will be appearing on here when i scan them in, the gallery has been updated..no pics of matt yet tho...sorry!Check out and see if your a 1980's child!!..all will ecome clear! right thats my update done 4 2day..i mite actually get around to doing a links page soon!! bye for now!
About the Great one....
Andy,Ste and Dave's Drunk Fun...
Annoying person of the week....
Kitties Korner...comming soon!!
Faceparty Minger of the week...
If YOU were in South Park...
Readers Shame Stories...
Update:27/5/03: Well what can say all you rummyaholics out there, ive only been doing this website for 2 days and im becoming the internet version of Brad pitt...after falling out of the ugly tree hitting every branch on the way down!Not only am i Batchelor of the week on teenagedustbinlady (Please excuse the AWFUL pics..thanx Ste) but im also famous person of the week on junkyf1sh...does life get any better than this people!! i think not!!
WOMEN, you know uve had enough to drink when....
Are YOU a child of the 80's?? Find out here!!...
Free Britney Spears Porn!!!!??
Update:26/5/03: Well here it is, my first official update, i cant belive it has kept me interested for this long actually! Jus finished my bio page so if any of you "rummyaholics" wana know more about your new favourite person check it out!i would like to thank Dave of Planet Dave for the pics on my heading!anyway enjoy the site i know its pretty shitty at the mo, but (hopefully) it will get better!pls sign my guest book aswell!
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Update:25/5/03: Hi im Andy...i guess that explains me..after seeing the amount of crap that is on the world wide web, i thought to myself....damn i wana b a apart of that innovative tool that is the ultimate porn alternative for the poor man/ teenage boy, so heres my contribution....prepare yourself for possibly the crappest thing ull see....EVER!!...Welcome to my page! Possibly updated regulary...or probably never!