| Healing methods | Healing techniques | Non-sectarian healing prayer technique | Can prayer heal | How to pray for healing | Healing power of prayer | Brother Aleksei, a nonsectarian monk, explains how you can heal yourself and others through prayer and meditation |
Prayer and Meditation --

Meditation can successfully combine a listening attitude and affirmation. Regardless of the predominant mode, what you meditate upon begins to grow and expand. When you meditate on the presence of God, the general tone of your thoughts and feelings gradually becomes lighter, more optimistic, more loving. Eventually every area of your life will begin to reflect the sweet qualities of the Presence. Order and harmony will be restored.

When you choose to combine prayer and meditation, that is to take a specific request into the space of your communion with God, always begin with acknowledging and affirming the Presence. Then make a conscious interior movement in your heart to surrender your will to His Will. After re-aligning yourself with God you may meditate on your request. Meditate from a feeling as if your request has been already granted while immersing your heart in a deep emotion of gratitude and love. Your request will immediately begin to take form. It may take some time before you can see the result, but have faith that it is gestating, just like a seed you plant into a fertile soil. Cultivate it, protect it from any doubts and fears. Completely ignore seeming reverses and other appearances contradicting the fact that your request has been granted. Do not dig up the seed to check if it has sprouted yet. Meditate on faith, strength, and patience, and above all guard your heart against fear. God keeps all his promises and Spirit is never late.

Feeling is the key. Watch your heart right before and during meditation. In a deep meditative state the healing must be affirmed as an accomplished fact and it must be done with the utmost care and precision. Do not attempt prayer or affirmation until you have calmed down all mental and emotional static. Never take your worries and fears into a meditative state: They will be amplified, which in turn will send an ironclad instruction to your subconscious mind to establish and maintain an experience for you that would match your worries and fears. In the best-case scenario your prayer for healing could be neutralized.

If we were completely free from all fears and our faith was strong and deep, the healing could be instantaneous. For most of us, however, a regular spiritual effort is required. Every time you meditate and pray, try to go just a little bit deeper than before. Develop intensity without pressure, make an effortless effort. You will soon realize that moving deep within toward the presence of God is the complete opposite of strain: rather it is conscious surrender and letting the Presence take over the experience. At the end of your prayer and meditation always release any attachment to the outcome. It may not be easy at first, but you must develop complete trust in God and make this statement of faith every time you pray. Release the outcome and let God do the healing. “Your Will be done, Lord, your Grace, your Peace.”

Pray for Guidance

Always ask God to guide you to do your part in your own healing: To make the necessary adjustments in your way of life or your diet, to see the right doctor. Affirm the presence of God before, during, and after a treatment, a procedure, a surgery. Thank God for using that particular person to be His instrument of healing, that particular piece of equipment, the type of treatment, the drug. Remain attuned to the only real Healer throughout your experience. You’ll be glad you did.

These pages contain excerpts from the “Guide to Effective Prayer” written by Brother Aleksei, who developed the “prayer and meditation tool” and the “healing prayer technique”. It is a powerful combination of a tool and a technique that can facilitate healing and speed up recovery.

A Russian-born monastic, Brother Aleksei lives in British Columbia, Canada.
For more information about the “prayer and meditation tool” and the “healing prayer technique” please visit the official website of the “Prayer for Healing” at
What is in our heart?
Is it mostly love, forgiveness and peace, or is it hate, desire for revenge, and a possibility of war? Remember that we all add up to the grand total of humanity. It is simple math. This is how the state of the world becomes our personal responsibility.
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Excerpts from the “Guide to Effective Prayer” by Brother Aleksei are reprinted with permission of S&T Publishing (Canada). Images from
www.brother-aleksei.org are also courtesy of the Publisher.

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