Nicholas Halzen (Nick)
Value Characteristic Points
9 STR -1
10 DEX 0
14 CON 8
15 BODY 10
15 INT 5
12 EGO 4
12 PRE 2
8 COM -1
2 PD 0
3 ED 0
3 SPD 10
10 REC 10
50 END 11
38 STUN 11
Total 69
Points Powers END
9 Multipower (60-pt reserve); Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 60
m-2 ½d6 Transfer: Life transfer from target to target (Returns 5/min., Maximum: 9); Range: 290; Affects: Single Power, +0; Special Effect: Magic; Multipower: Variable Slot; Active Points: 58; Usable Against Others: ×1 mass, 1; Indirect: Any Location & Any Direction, +¾; Ranged: +½; Continuous: +1; Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 58
m-2 Regeneration (2 BODY/Turn); Regenerate: Standard, +0; Special Effect: Magic; Multipower: Variable Slot; Continuous: +1; Usable Against Others: ×1 mass, 1; Active Points: 60; Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 60
u-1 Multiform: Turn in to a Raven; Form: Additional, ×1; Special Effect: Magic; Multipower: Fixed Slot; Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 10
m-1 1d6 Drain: Drains body points (Return/5 hours); Affects: Single Power, +0; Multipower: Variable Slot; Active Points: 50; Usable Against Others: ×1 mass, 1; Indirect: Any Location & Fires Away, +½; Ranged: +½; Continuous: +1; Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 50 25
m-1 Armor (9 PD/0 ED); Continuous: +1; Usable Against Others: ×1 mass, 1; Active Points: 45; Special Effect: Magic; Multipower: Variable Slot; Ranged: +½; Special Effect: Magic; Independent: -2; OIF: -½; Focus Applicability: Personal; Focus Expendability: Extremely Hard to Acquire, -½; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼; Burnout: 14, -¼; Increased END: ×5, -2; Active Points: 45
14 MP: Monster Summoning and Control Spell (55-pt reserve); Special Effect: Magic; Concentrate: 0 DCV, -½; Extra Time: full phase, -½; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Increased END: ×3, -1; Burnout: 14, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼
u-1 9d6 Dispel; Range: 270; Affects: One Power, +0; Continuous: +1; Active Points: 54; Special Effect: Magic; Concentrate: 0 DCV, -½; Extra Time: full phase, -½; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Increased END: ×3, -1; Burnout: 14, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼ 15
u-1 Summon Skeletal Pet (1 77-point creatures); Range: 0; Summon: Single Type, +0; Creature: Skeletal Pet; Special Effect: Magic; Special Effect: Magic; Concentrate: 0 DCV, -½; Extra Time: full phase, -½; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Increased END: ×3, -1; Burnout: 14, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼ 12
u-1 Summon: Hell Hound (1 77-point creatures); Range: 0; Summon: Single Type, +0; Creature: Hell Hound; Special Effect: Magic; Special Effect: Magic; Concentrate: 0 DCV, -½; Extra Time: full phase, -½; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Increased END: ×3, -1; Burnout: 14, -¼; Activation: 15-, -¼ 12
3 Telekinesis - Only to summon staff (STR 10); Active Points: 15; Range: 75; Manipulation: Coarse, +0; Only to Summon Staff: -1; Increased END: ×7, -3; Concentrate: Throughout & ½ DCV, -½ 7
16 Darkness (Normal Sight, 3" radius); Range: 225; Activation: 15-, -¼; Incantation: Instant Power, -¼; Increased END: ×3, -1; Gestures: Instant Power, -¼; Active Points: 45; Ranged: +½ 12
52 Total Powers
Points Skills, Talents, Perks Roll
3 Cryptography 12-
1 KS: Alchemy 8-
1 Latin (Basic Conv.); Literacy: Standard, 0
4 KS: Botany 13-
3 Forgery 11-
4 Organic Chemistry 13-
1 Pistols
1 Rifles
4 KS: Research 13-
1 Small Ground Vehicles
1 KS: The Occult 8-
3 Mimicry 11-
3 Stealth 11-
3 Survival 11-
3 Animal Handler 11-
3 Simulate Death
5 Contact: Cultic, mystic guild member, and teacher; Usefulness: Normal, +0 14-
44 Total Skills, Talents, Perks
Cost Equipment
0 Knife (½d6K, OCV: +1); DC: 2; STUNx: 0; STR Min: 6; Weight: 0 ; Can Be Thrown
0 Stiletto Sacrificial dagger (½d6K AP, OCV: +1); DC: 2; STUNx: 0; STR Min: 8; Weight: 0 ; Can Be Thrown
0 .45 Colt Peacemaker (1d6+1K); OCV: +1; R Mod: 0; DC: 4; STUNx: +1; STR Min: 12; Shots: 6; Weight: 0
0 50 rnds for peace maker (0kg)
0 12 gauge sawed off Shotgun (2½d6K); OCV: +2; R Mod: -2; DC: 8; STUNx: +1; STR Min: 11; Shots: 5; Weight: 0 ; -2 DC/Range Cat.
0 75 shells for shot gun (0kg)
0 Backpack (0kg)
0 Total Equipment
75+ Disadvantages
15 Reputation (14-)
10 Distinctive Features: Tatoos on arms, and face; Concealability: Concealable, 10; Reaction: Noticed and Recognizable, +0
13 Watched: Higher members of his Wicken guild (11-); Capabilities: More Powerful, 15; Non-combat Influence: Extensive, +5; Geographical Area: Unlimited, -0; Actions: Only Watching, ×½; Punishment: Harsh, 0
10 Rivalry: a fellow guild member; Situation: Professional, 5; Position: Equal, +0; Rival: PC, +5
5 1d6 Unluck
20 Dependence: Cursed staff, loses health atributes if not near the staf (2d6/Minute); Substance: Uncommon, +15
73 Total Disadvantages
COSTS: Char. Powers Total Total Disadv. Base Exp.
69 + 96 = 165 164 = 73 + 75 + 16
OCV DCV ECV Mental Def. PD/rPD ED/rED Phases
3 3 4 0 11/9 3/0 4, 8, 12
Story: Read Bio if you have a few minuets....
total exp 16
bonus for reading web page 5
1st game 5 exp
2nd game 3 exp +1 for good idea  and 2 for game
3rd game 3 exp 2 for game 1 from adventrue log
Height: 175cm (5'9"), Weight: 86kg (189 lbs), Sex: Male, Age: 28, Race: American Caucasion Human
Appearance: Tall and thin, very pale, blonde hair, brown eyes, tatoos on arms, long scar from left ear to his neck, long crooked nose.