

Scott Simpson's Social Policy Review

Excellence in research and writing


If you are looking for provocative thoughts on social issues, such as economic policy and educational reform, I hope this site will provoke further thought and discussion. While not formally employed in an academic setting, I have continued to study and write about issues of concern to me. My special emphasis revolves around economic policy implementation and its articulation in the political and educational spheres, although it is not limited to these broad areas. For instance, this emphasis has led to interesting analysis on the importance of union activity among corporate entities. As a life-long learner, I have stayed abreast of the latest trends in this specialized area. From a philosophical and methodological perspective, I would classify myself as a Post-Keynesian Institutionalist, although I disavow any religious fervor attachment to these designations.

With regard to my specialized area of interest, I have developed three different areas of this website that can be linked from this page.  These being:

Education           Economics          History

I also have included a special section that links to a manuscript I wrote in 1988.  This manuscript is a critique of organized religion.  The manuscript is called:

"The Other Gospel"

While this site portrays the academic interests of my life, clearly there is also a fun social side to my life. You can learn more about me by following the link below.


I hope you enjoy the site and feel free to contact me!



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