Whitees' Hobbies



Okay, I like to do a lot of stuff,such as skiing.
I've been skiing for several years and I love it.
My old truck was cool, but now it's dead. Oh well I got a new one.
My keg fridge provides me and my buddies with a lot of fun,
but I can't seem to remember it all...



The guys and I went to Montana about 3 years ago skiing.
We had a lot of fun. Scroll down and you'll see that we had a blast, trust me.



Put your mouse over the pictures to see what it is...
Montana chutes Montana rocks Montana skies


Click here to see my ski talent

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Truck - front
Truck - rear
My old dead truck. I decided I need to put it in the ditch, Opps!!


Keg fridge
Man's best friend!
So yeah, we party a lot on the weekend and not to mention weekdays as well.



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