Across the Veil

Across the Veil

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Charmaine Chronicles Index
Map of Worlds


Valeria handed Travis and Jocelyn a pendant. Jocelyn took it and looked at it. It was a silver coin with a phoenix on it. Jocelyn studied it as it seemed to turn colors in the light. She looked up at Valeria.

"What's this?"

"It's your pendant to the other side. A phoenix for you, a white tiger for Travis, and a black dragon for me. It will identify you on the other side to our connections. Although, the phoenix has never been used by someone yet, I'm sure you're name will spread quickly." Jocelyn looked at her. "Your reputation proceeds you. Your qualities will be known amongst your enemies long before you meet them."

"Wow. I didn't know you were such a poet."

"And I'm afraid I have underestimated your stupidity."

"Can we just get going?" Travis interjected.

"Right. Put on your pendants. Got it? Good. All right. Now swipe your thumb over the symbol and think "Across the Veil.""

Rolling her eyes, Jocelyn did what she was told. She suddenly felt herself being stretched beyond human reason. She felt like she would scream. But before she could, she found herself being compressed. Jocelyn's mind whirled into a state of nothingness. I must be between the demensions... A second later, her mind whirled back into the strange sensations. Then ice cold.

Jocelyn felt as though she was falling through air. She felt her feet hit the ground. Intertia quickly acted upon her body as her feet came to a stop and she keeled over. Her face connected with the hard ground. F... A second later, Travis appeared on the ground beside her. Valeria stood over the two.

"Yeah," she sighed. "This place has that effect on first timers."

"Thanks for the warning," Jocelyn mumbled, picking herself up.

Jocelyn looked around. It was as if she were in a dream. The clearing they were standing in was surrounded by a thicket of trees whose leaves seemed to reflect silver. Jocelyn and Travis awed at the sight. A few patches of coloful, blinking lights could be seen within the branches of the trees. I don't believe it... Fairies! You've got to be kidding me.

"All right, you novices, keep up your guard. This place is torn apart by war. If you so much as look at a person in the wrong way, you could be short one head. And the roads are prone to being attacked randomly."

"Great. Let's get on with it," Travis said.

"Wait. My danger senses are tingling," Jocelyn stated, scanning the trees.

"Your what is doing what?" Valeria asked.

"Hush one moment."

A second later, a figure landed in the clearing beside Valeria. Jocelyn was already in motion. She whipped out her sword and held it to the intruder's throat. Jocelyn took a glance at the figure. He... or rather it was huge. It stood about seven feet in height with huge white wings sprouting from its back. There was a soft golden hue about it and it had comforting, but piercing gray eyes.

"Gabriel," Valeria acknowledged.

"Ah, Valeria," it said. Jocelyn was still unable to determine its gender.

"Put down your sword, Charmaine. Gabriel is a friend."

Jocelyn sheated the blade as Gabriel spoke. "And a worried one at that. Things are worsening here, my friend. The war is beginning to reach the Realm of Light. Beings are trying desperately to get to your world. We are barely holding them off."

Jocelyn and Travis stared in awe at the angel. As he finished, he looked over Jocelyn and Travis. His eyes connected with Travis. He smiled.

"Travis Buckley," he said, smiling.

"Ah, a weretiger. Be careful of who you are around here. Some people do not take kindly to a half breed."

"Half breed?" Travis fired back.

"Demons here think that a human with a demon side is a half breed."

"I did not choose to be this!"

"Then do not be it." Gabriel turned to Jocelyn. His eyes passed over her phoenix pendant. "The phoenix is a powerful symbol. I am not aware of anyone who has ever taken the phoenix as their symbol."

"Jocelyn Charmaine."

The angel froze for a moment, then took a step back, and bowed slightly. "Charmaine, I am honored to meet you. Your reputation proceeds you."

"So I've heard," she said.

"Know this, there are many people here who want nothing but to kill you for revenge," Gabriel said, standing up. "Be wary. Evil lives here."

Jocelyn smiled. "Don't worry, that's why I'm here. We're going to fix that problem."

The angel smiled sadly. "I'm sure you will." The angel turned its head to the darkening sky. "Trouble comes. I must go. Remember, in times of great evil, remember your symbol." The angel spread its wings and with one sweep, soared into the sky and out of sight.

Jocelyn stared after Gabriel. "Well, that was different."

"Yes. But Gabriel is right. You need to be careful," Valeria warned.

"Hey, listen, I wasn't the keenest on coming here. I know that half of the demons here were sent here by me."

"It's probably more than you think," Valeria said softly.

The three began walking through the forest. A few times, Jocelyn caught glimpses of something dart into a nearby shadow or bush. Jocelyn checked in with her "danger senses" but couldn't find anything remotely threatening. There was just that prescence just out of sight that occupied Jocelyn's thought all through the forest. A few times, she glanced cautiously to the side, thinking that she had the something. But nothing was there. They're playing with me. Whether or not they know I'm aware of them, they're there. And they're good.

As the three emerged out of the trees a couple hundred feet later, a huge rock came into view. Jocelyn looked back at the lush green forest to the desolate rocky terrain. Good God, what is up with this place? Then a huge wave of heat fell over her, banishing the shivers from her body. At first she welcomed the heat, but in wearing a long black coat, it soon got too hot. She tied up her long dark brown hair.

"God, can't this place make up its mind to be hot or cold?"

"I was wondering the same thing."

"Oh don't worry, there is never a perfect day in the Spirit Realm."

"Wow, you just made my day," Jocelyn mumbled darkly.

A second later, Jocelyn's senses were buzzing again. Something or someone was watching them. She could almost feel their gaze upon her like a burning ray. Cane-sword in hand, she reassured herself of her concealed weapons along with her shot gun in her bag. Jocelyn continued walking as if nothing was wrong. She could sense Travis becoming restless. A weretiger after all, Travis. A weretiger after all.

A dark figure shot up from behind a rock. "Are you Jocelyn Charmaine?" it demanded.

Jocelyn could of fainted from shock. Although she had had her fair share of creatures jump out at her, she still could not get used to it. Fortunately, she was an expert at the art of not letting her face betray her fear. Jocelyn glanced nonchalantly at the young woman who had short black hair.

"Who wants to know?" Jocelyn returned.

"I do."

Obviously, dumb ass.

"Why are you here?" the young woman demanded.

"Well, why are you here?"

Jocelyn almost laughed out loud at the look in the girl's eyes. It was a look of pure annoyance. If Jocelyn could have guessed, she would of guessed that the chick was calling her names in her mind.

The woman opened her mouth to reply, when Jocelyn's senses kicked in again. A demon came flying out of nowhere and attacked the figure standing before Jocelyn. Jocelyn's hand flew to her sword and began to draw it, but she let it settle back into its sheath as the woman attacked the demon. She watched as the woman sank her fangs into the demon and threw it away like a piece of useless garbage. Not cool, man. Not cool.

Jocelyn flicked her sword out in one easy, fluid motion and held it below the vampire's neck.

"Nice of you to make my work easier, vampire," Jocelyn said.

She put on a confused look. This is one of the wingless vampires. I believe Aleera is her name. Yes and definitley one of the most powerful. What is a big namer like her doing here? What could the famous vampire possibly want with an infamous paranormal hunter? Aleera seemed to guess her enemies thoughts and laughed. A slight shiver found its way down Jocelyn's back.

"You aren't a hunter," she said coldly. "You're a murderer. You just don't get it, do you? It doesn't matter how many of us you kill. It won't undo the losses in your past."

Jocelyn looked away. Her fears of the past threatened to shatter the dam within her mind. Don't. Not now. She looked back quickly.

"So? I can kill you can't I?"

Jocelyn swung the sword, but the vampire quickly ducked out of harm's way. Jocelyn felt Travis and Valeria take a step forward. She was just about ready to step in front of them, when much to Jocelyn's surprise, Aleera backed away.

"Watch yourself, Charmaine," Aleera warned. "I'm a quiet walker."

Right. And I am a light sleeper, Jocelyn wanted to say. But just the way Aleera had said her name with that hint of disdain, started Jocelyn's blood into a boil. You watch yourself, you friggin' quiet walker. I'll show you. You have NO idea what I've been through you friggin' bat girl! She stopped herself and mentally shook herself. Hold it, Jocelyn, this one is a psychological fighter. Back away. Just walk away. But pride wouldn't allow her to walk away. Jocelyn and Aleera stared at each other, measuring the other up. Jocelyn knew that she had only to reach for her stake and drive it through that God-forsaken creature. Usually, Jocelyn wouldn't have a second's hesitation in striking down an enemy like this Aleera. But something made her think.

As Aleera backed into the shadows, Jocelyn had the sudden urge to chase her down and kill her. It would be so easy, so simple. But Jocelyn willed herself to be rooted to the spot and allow this vampire to live. There was something about her. There seemed to be some other worldy force that made Jocelyn swallow her pride and leave the vampire alone.

A second later, Aleera found the safety of the shadows and disappeared. Gone. And so was her chance to end the "life" of the wingless vampire.

I don't get it. Why didn't she attack? Surely there was something personal behind that confrontation. There definitely was. I've had my fair share of facing demons seeking revenge. And vampires are no different. There had to be some others with her. She wouldn't be so foolish as to risk a meeting with me alone and in the Spirit World. Or would she?

Jocelyn didn't know at the time, but she had just saved herself and the world a whole lot of trouble by sparing that vampire's life.

But who does she think she is? She thinks she can just show up out of no where, try and scare me, and then insult my family name. I swear to you, Aleera, I'll live up to my family name, whether you care or not! I'm NOT a murderer. I am NOT. Jocelyn seemed to lose her spark of temper as her memories started to swarm her. She looked away.

"Let's get moving. It will be dark soon. It's better to be inside than out in this area," Valeria offered.

The group continued to walk through the dessert-like terrain. Jocelyn tried to clamp down on her memories, but Aleera's comment started an avalanche. Memories of her family came. She remembered how happy she was as a little kid, before she developed her "gift" to see things that no mortal should be allowed to see. Then the pain came. The day her family found out about her "gift," they shipped her off to a mental institute. She had spent more time with psychotics than with her family. The doctors and psycologists performed cruel tests on her, but could find nothing physically wrong with her. They shipped her back to her family house. When she arrived, she found her family had gone. She was then taken to an orphanage where she remained. It was only then did she realize her family history. Back in the old days, the Charmaine's had been a proud line of knights. But as the world began to modernize, so did her family's interests. They became a family of criminal masterminds. Until they became Jocelyn's father and relatives.

She was devestated when she learned of the truth. She then spent most of her time looking for her family. She had no luck. She figured they were so in love with their legends and so far into the criminal business, hardly anyone knew if they were alive or dead. No sooner after she found out, a ghost of a victim of the Charmaine's cruelty appeared to Jocelyn and cursed her for her family's crimes. Her curse was that Jocelyn would never be able to rest until her family honor was restored. Jocelyn tried not to believe the curse, but it still hung above her head like a neon sign.

Soon after she was cursed, the Unknowables found her at age seventeen. She then began to work for them, developing her paranormal gift. She worked with them for seven years. She agreed to work with them to restore her family honor. She was trying to prove to everyone that there was still honor in the Charmaine line. And along the way, becoming who she was today: a paranormal hunter that did whatever she was told, without a second's hesitation. Jocelyn shook her head.

I'm doing such a great job trying to restore my family's honor. Wow. I'm no better than the rest of my God-forsaken family. And the funny thing is, just when the world needs me most, I decide to have a conscience. Wouldn't you know it? That Aleera could be the main evil we're supposed to get rid of, and I'm having conscience attacks. Maybe I'm not doing this right. Maybe the name of Charmaine will be forever kicked around. Maybe there is no honor left in it. No blood.

Valeria, the navigator, stopped as the sky began to darken. "We won't make it within city limits tonight. And there's no sense in walking in the dark. Let's make a camp."

Travis wasted no time in finding them a suitable place to stay. Valeria was able to make a small fire from dry dessert plants. The three settled around it. Jocelyn watched the group as they studied the other members. She wondered what they were thinking. Were they thinking about the mission ahead? Their past? Or the others? It was hard to tell. After an hour of on and off silence, Valeria became the first to drop off to sleep. Travis and Jocelyn remained awake.

"What's bothering you?" Travis asked.


"Right. And that's why you're talking my leg off." Jocelyn looked at him. He put up his hands. "All right. Fine. You're in the mood. But can I confide in you?"

"Sure," she said, shrugging.

"I think my mental disorders are getting worse over here."

"You mean your mental transformations?"

"Yes. Do you think that this place could have that kind of effect on a person?"

"Why not? It seems to have some kind of effect on everyone."

"What do you mean?"

"Suddenly, I've had an attack of conscience and memories."

"Do you fear your past?" Jocelyn dropped her gaze to the fire. "So do I. I've live a less than perfect life. I've killed people." Jocelyn looked at him. "Yes. I'm ashamed to admit it, but... some things just happened. I don't mean to, I just..."

"Yes. I know." Travis cast her a look of curiousity. "I haven't always hunted vampires as most people believe. I've gone after my share of ghosts, poltergeists, werewolves, demons, and other terrors not even story books can identify. Most of those people, including the vampires, were people before they became what they were. And I'm the one standing over them when they become who they used to be. I'm the one the authorities see."

"So you're wanted?"

"If I existed."

"What do you mean?"

"If you go to the authorities and look in the book of names, you will not find Jocelyn Charmaine. You'll be lucky to find Charmaine."

Travis gaped at her. "What? But the Unknowables?"

"The Unknowables don't exist."

Realization settled into Travis's eyes. "And neither do you." Jocelyn gazed into the fire. "Well it's gotta be useful. I mean, at least the IRS can't find you."

Jocelyn smiled. "Yeah, but neither can the mail man."

"But you're here in front of me. You are as real as anything."

Travis nodded as silence drifted between them. A few minutes later, Travis emerged with another question.

"You don't strike me as someone who would waste time with small talk." Jocelyn gave a half smile. "So why did you spare that vampire's life?"

Jocelyn shrugged. "Why did you?"

"I don't know. It just felt right."

"Then there is my answer."

"Well, I suppose we'd better catch some sleep. Before you know it, we'll get a couple hours of sleep, and Valeria will be fit to go."

"It wouldn't be the first time."

"Definitely not."

Jocelyn and Travis lay down. Travis curled up on his side, like a cat, and closed his eyes. Jocelyn lay on her back with her arms behind her head, staring up at the sky. She couldn't get that vampire out of her head. Why had she spared her life? She would of saved herself a huge amount of worrying. A quick rustle came from a top of a nearby rock. Jocelyn's eyes darted to the scene. She reassured herself with a quick glance to her nearby bag of weapons. It wouldn't take but a second to whip out a weapon to kill the intruder. But would that be her best option?

Jocelyn settled herself down before she could work herself up about her motives and new-found conscience. She began to drop into a light sleep. At this state, she could rest but yet remain fully awake to danger around her. She felt safe, enveloped in her dreamless state. No one can touch me here. Finally, she nodded off.

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Map of Worlds