Across the Veil

Across the Veil

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Charmaine Chronicles Index
Map of Worlds


A man walked through the shadowy halls of a musty temple. He was shrouded in a black cloak of night. Stealthily, he crept into very belly of the temple where great power rested. It emerged into an open room where a rectangle was carved into the floor of the room. Carved into the rectangle and through the rest of the floor were intriguing designs that seemed to meet at the center of the rectangle. The man threw off his cloak and approached the far wall that seemed to shimmer like glass.

Instead of seeing his reflction, he seen the reflection of a ghostly face. Unnerved, he dropped to his knees and bowed his head.

"Master," he breathed.

"What is it?" a deep voice purred from all corners of the room.

The man was trembling from head to foot, but refused to admit to himself that he was afraid.

"You're not afraid are you?"

"No, sir, I am not."

"Then tell me, what news is there of our guests?"

"Three travelers. One is a usual agent, Valeria, who wears the black dragon. Two is a half breed. A wereperson I believe. He wears a white tiger as a symbol. And third is a human who bears the symbol of the phoenix."

"This I know. What of the bearer of the phoenix?"

"Jocelyn Charmaine."

The man could feel the pleasure from his master. The ghostly face in front of him broke into a wolfish grin.

"I have more news of her." He waited for confirmation to move on, but recieved none. "Our agent, Makeesh, engaged her today. She was defeated and killed herself. But she said that Charmaine was being watched. And then, your assassin, the Banshee, was killed by Charmaine's companion, Valeria."

The atmosphere changed from pleasure to that of deep thought. "Is there more?"

"Yes. Charmaine had some of her life drained away from the Banshee. She is currently deaf and will remain deaf for quite some time."

The atmosphere instantly changed into a pleasig one. A deep laugh that sent shivers up the man's spine filled the room.

"Excellent. Go and gather the blood of the enemy. Send Rapriel at once."

The ghostly face disappeared from the wall. The atmosphere settled. The man got up and walked out of the room. The ghostly face appeared again and put on a small smile. Yes, he would have Charmaine's blood soon enough. And when he did, he would run the war into the Earth. Only then could he achieve ultimate power and be free.

"Soon you'll be mine, Charmaine."

He listened to the dying sounds of the leaving man.

"And even if Rapriel fails to bring me Charmaine, I will run Charmaine into the ground until she is mine!"

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Charmaine Chronicles Index
Map of Worlds