May 2001
























            "My house. . . . My castle. . . ."       


Hello I am White-Knite and this is my website.  I thought I would create a website, so I decided to also create a theme to go with my nic name...

I am as most of you who I talk to will know by now,a      "knight in shining armour and I am here to serve and protect my beautiful princesses that I meet in my journey thru life.

I hope you like my website...... and Welcome to my world...



I would like to acknowledge the following people who i call my friends and who have been fun to talk to..... Also to say a big hello to them and that i am proud to be there friends : - )

I would like to thank Rosepetal33 for being a lovely person and for inspiring me to write more poems and to use my talent for a good cause ( i think you know who my good cause is Rose), you are very kind and i value your friendship...


I would also like to say a big hello to my good friend Polandra and to give a big THANK YOU for motivating me and encouraging me  to create this website.. you are truely one person I do not want to lose. THANK YOU MY DEAR, AGAIN....

