Chapter 5

(Hands phone to Brian)
Brian: We’ll talk about it later ok?
Alexa: Yeah sure…is everything ok?
Brian: Yeah everything is fine. I just need to talk to you.
Alexa: Okie dokie. Bye.
Brian: Bye.
(They both hang up)
(A few days later)
(In Kevin and Kayla’s house)
Kevin: (hanging up phone) Hey Kayla, my mom is coming. She’s excited and she can’t wait to see meet you and your parents.
Kayla: Great. Well my DAD is excited to come. He’s still trying to convince my mom to come down.
Kevin: So when do you think we will find out if she’s coming or not?
Kayla: Ohhhhh…I’d say the day they are supposed to come here.
Kevin: Ooooook.
(Next week, at the airport)
Kayla: Do you see her…do you see your mom?
Kevin: Well her plane is here, I just don’t see her.
Kayla: Oh great. She didn’t want to meet me. I’m the wicked girl that took her precious son away from her. Great just great.
Kevin: (hugging Kayla from behind) You worry to much. She’s gonna love you like I do.
(Kevin leans down and kisses Kayla)
Voice: Kevin!
Kayla: No autographs today. It’s an off day.
Kevin: Hey mom!
Kayla: (smacks head)
Ann: Hey honey!
(Kevin hugs his mother)
Kevin: Mom I want you to meet Kayla. Kayla, this is my mom.
Ann: Oh it’s so nice to meet you finally. I’ve heard so much about you from Kevin.
Kayla: It’s nice to meet you to Mrs. Richardson.
Ann: Please, call me Ann.
Kayla: Ok…Ann.
Ann: So where are we off to now?
Kevin: Well we have to go get Kayla’s parents now.
Kayla: (whispering to Kevin) Do we have to? If my mom’s here…can we leave her here?
Kevin: No and what’s with you and you’re mom anyway?
Kayla: Long story.

Chapter 6

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