Chapter 1

Setting:  AJ’s apartment
(All the guys are at AJ’s pad talking about what they are planning for V-day)
Kevin:  I have noooooo idea what to get Kayla for Valentine’s Day.
AJ:  Yeah man, she’s got you…what else could she want.
Kevin:  I dunno…something.
Brian:  Well, I’m taking Alexa to her favorite place in Orlando.
Nick:  And that is where exactly?
Brian:  Sea World!
Howie:  Dude, she’ll love that!
Brian:  I know I know…what are you gonna do for Sandra?
Howie:  Going clubbing probably.
Kevin:  (sarcastically) How romantic D.
Howie:  It was her idea dude.
Kevin:  Oh…I GOT IT!  Kayla is still really bummed that her and her mom aren’t getting along.
Nick:  Yea and…you’re gonna get her another mother or something?
Kevin:  (smacks Nick in the back of the head) No numb nuts…I’m gonna fly her mom down and have them work things out.
Brian:  You sure that’s safe?  I mean we don’t want to turn on the news and see Kayla going to jail for a murder now do we?
Kevin:  It’s gonna work…it’s gotta!
Nick: (looks at AJ) What are you gonna do AJ?
AJ:  I’m not telling.
Nick:  Come on!  Pleeeeeeeeeeeease?
AJ:  All I’m gonna say is…it’s gonna be BIG!!!
Nick:  Ooooooook.  Well um, I’m taking Elena on my boat and we are gonna have a romantic dinner on the ocean.
Kevin:  Well…(looks at his watch) I must be off…my woman is gonna try and cook tonight.
Brian:  Good luck man…it was nice knowing ya. 
Kevin:  Ha ha very funny…later guys.  (He gets up and goes to his car)

Chapter 2

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