Faery Magick Page
Faery Magick Tradition
Faery wicca is one of the many wiccan traditions. The background is mostly Celtic. . The tradition was started by Victor Anderson and Gwyddion Penderwen who admit they are not Wiccans , but who consider themselves Faery Witches. This tradition involves a strong relationship with Nature Spirits ,Fearies and Elementals. A Feary Power is used and strong emphasis is on spiritual and sensual exploration. The rituals are beautiful and involve sensuality, possession, shapeshifting, and direct contact with the fey. Specific to this belief is energy-working using pentacles and visualization of blue fire and the doctrine of the Three Selves.  There are influences that have shaped this tradition before it`s actual founding by Victor Anderson. The Three Selves theory is an outgrowth of Huna beliefs. Other influences to shape the tradition and rituals is African, Dahomean-Haitian, Arica, Tibetan meditation, and Ceremonial Magick. Some known people to keep in mind that have shaped this tradition, which is always being changed are, Gwydion Pendderwen, Eldri Littlewolf, Francesca De Grandis, Sharon Knight, Gabriel Caradoc, Brian Dragon, and of course Victor and Cora Anderson.
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To Meet a Faery
What is a Faery