What is a Faery
What is a Faery or Faery Magick?  The stories of Faeries and where they come from are as old as they are diverse.  At most times the Faeries in the stories are said to be little with tiny wings and they are known to have magical powers and are very mischievous.  But the most common image of a Faery in American Culture is said to be Charming, sweet and happy creatures that are Tinker-Bell like beings, who sprinkle dust and perform good deeds whereever they may go.  The real lore of the Faerie is generally of a somewhat more servere nature.  In general they love to Dance and to Sing.  There are many different types of Faeries and they have just as many personalities.  They live in all types of places.  But most of all they are wonderous creatures that enlighten your dreams.  They bring peace and love to a world that is so filled with Hate and Anger.  And they make you believe that anything is possible.  Faeries can be very helpful in magick as they are very powerful and they certainly know how to use it .  Faeries know a great deal of magick and glamour as well.  So if you get them to trust you they can be very helpful to you. Faerues with the exeption of a small few hate love spells so you cannot get them to help with that.  Love isn't a big thing on the Astral Plane so they do not understand it and can't work with it.   Another type of spell to not ask their help with are selfish spells for personal gain.  They will gladly help when asked correctly and when they are well thanked by offerings, with spells that benefit others or nature.  When asking a faery to help you make sure you ask in a sacred circle of power or atleast have a protection charm and spell working for you.  Never let a faery inside you circle of energy as there is no telling how dangerous they can be.  If a bad faery comes through to you send it on it's way and ask for another.  Faeries are not content to simply stand outside your circle and watch.  Get them involved.  Singing, Chanting and Music are all great ways to get them involved with you.  Thank the Faeries when you are done, but give them an offering too!  They prefer food and trinkets to "Thank You"
And remeber the next time you see something flash by the corner of your eye or a strange far away music you have been visited by a Faery. 
Faery Homes