S k i   T r a s h   2 0 0 6
Ski Trash 2006 has been deemed a smash hit!  Whitey was very relieved
to see that the house actually existed, that we figured out how to
work the fireplaces without blowing anything up, and that we finally
sorted out the hot water situation.

Over 20 strong in 2006, and everyone arrived safely.  Thursday night,
typically a rockin' party night was no different, as Ski Trashers old and new meshed together in the pool room, the jacuzzi room, the great room, the veranda, and of course the kitchen...
2004 Trash
2003 Trash
2002 Trash
Old School Trash
Whitey's Pub Home

Did you know?

Vermont is the only state that has three seasons.
4th of July
Source:  Kevin-Gus-Rocco
2005 Trash
Thursday February 2nd ~ 6th
Trail Map
Ski Trash
Founding Fathers
"The Closer"
"The Rifleman"
Lift Ticket
Past Ski Trash Participants

The Scarengellas
Tony Scarengella
Deb Sot
Steve Mahns
Craig Yunker
Rom Chandra
Bob Oliver
Scott Kelly
Linda Pegosh
Karen Reinbacher
Berty Halv
The Rosens
The Cherims
The Raabs
The Langs
Pepsi Peg
The Bednarzs
The Whites
Megan Crane
John Merrick
Billy D
Regina Armstrong
Sean Sullivan
Michelle Scarpa
Ronnie Wiley
... Friday was dubbed the "worst day for skiing ever", with heavy rains all afternoon at the house.  New trashers Jill and Dave were the honorary ski champions for day one, as they gutted out an entire afternoon on the mountain.  The rest of the gang decided the beer, food, and 40 Year Old Virgin was good enough company, and relaxed all day and night.  Worse things have happened.

On Saturday, a new club was formally introduced.  "
Spa Trash" became an official Saturday holiday of Ski Trash, as ML donned her Chewbaca boots, and joined Deneen and Maureen for a day of foo-fooing.  The rest of the group hit the slopes for a great day of skiing.

As the Ski Trashers trickled back in to the log cabin, the Gristmill called.  This season a few trashers actually called for forego the Grist festivities.  This idea was squashed, and the annual invasion ensued.

Good thing too.  The band was rockin'.  The first Gumbay smash stood no chance.  The band played on.  Gumbay's continued to flow.  There was dancing, there was singing, there were many photos.  Damn, it was hot too!  On of the band members busted out a fiddle, and a little known but clearly written Ski Trash law was enacted. 

ST Rule #718-  Section C, lines 16 and 17 clearly state (in your ST Handbook) "In the event the live entertainment on Gumbay Saturday presents and plays a fiddle, the 2-Gumbay Smash rule may be extended to an additional Gumbay".

Mikey lined them up.  Justine spilled one into the corner pocket, more singing, sweating, photos!  At 8:00 with the band winded down the set, calls of "Let's get the hell out of here" were heard.  Everyone piled out.  Somehow, a live Gumbay Smash made it past Dalton the Bouncer.   Life was good.  Life got better.

Click here for more on
Gumbay Saturday!

The hot tub room turned into Club Cabin.  Jello shots, stoagies, singing, flesh, people soaking in their own clothing.  People dancing on the tables upstairs.  Video tape.  Everyone's political careers in jeopardy.

I think it all went well.

On Sunday, only a handful made it to the mountain, as early rain threatened the day.  TC, Whitey, Jill, Dave, Jenny, Vinnie all ventured out.  In the end, it was a great call.  There were more mountain employees from Bulgaria then skiers.  The rained stopped, the snow was good, and a lift line couldn't be found...
Post Goombay
And a whole lot more!
Jenny found the best way to overcome a hangover was to lay in ice for several hours.
Tina shows off her moves on Saturday, which turned out to be the biggest ski day of Ski Trash '06.
Unbelievably rare shot of Kev actually eating.  Until then, many thought the hansome giant didn't eat.
Saturday night post-goombay, nearly led to the ever popular partner swappin'.
Is there anything better than being served jello-shots in the sauna?  This moved cemented Jenny's spot for trash 2007!
Hey sista, go sista, go sista go!!!  Justiney joins the Hut Tub singers for a few tunes at Club Log Cabin.
Oscar Goldman
(6 Million Dollar Man's Boss) "Why do you have that?"
More silliness in the sauna with Whitey, TC, and Murph.
This can't be good. 
The Great American Ski Race took a hit this year.  Only two mentionalble events, one under heavy scrutiny, and one short one. 

For years and years, the official start of a race is when one guy says "Say when", a quote from the movie Tombstone.  The racers also usually let the other skiers in the pack go first.  In this case, Gordo said something along the lines of 'stop blah blah end'.  Whitey thought that meant we'd make one more stop, then bomb to the bottom.  No "when", no courtesy to other skiers.  G just left. 

Not realizing the race was underway, Whitey watched as G kept going and going.  He was thinking to himself "what is he doing, he's going too far.  He's waisting all this good race track".  About halfway to the bottom, some 200 yards in between the two speedsters, Whitey realized he wasn't stopping.  He then tucked non-stop to catch G.  At the final turn heading to the gondola, he caught his arch rival.
Just as he was passing on the right, Halvie pulled a classic squeeze move.  Whitey had two choices.  Pull up (live), or go over the right hand cliff (and pull a Justine).  Whitey tried whacking his rival with a pole as his path dimished.  It didn't work, the pole went flying, and Halv reached the bottom first.  Not exactly a fair and balanced race.  Whitey decided the squeeze move was pulled off to perfection, so he won't whine too much about that race.  If you can call it a race.

The 2nd race was a shorty.  Top to bottom of Snowshed, zig zagging beween the fenced in areas.  No contest.  Whitey top to bottom, followed by G, followed by the Ski Patrol who correctly informed the duo of the slow skiiing area, and the potential eviction from the premesis should it happen again.  Just like old times.

On Sunday, ole Cheaterboy decided to stay off the slopes and eat burgers.  We can let the people decide who the 2006 champ is.  The guy who's only win was less then on the level, and who worked a napkin on Sunday, or the guy who closed a huge gap only to get cut off, won a race fair and square, then skiied like a man on Sunday...
The Great Race
Great food at the house, but no "F'n French Toast"
And now, time for some Ski Trash Awards...

Best Skiers
TIE Dave and Jill

Quote of the Weekend
"You know how I know you're gay..."

Most Outrageous Behavior
Anyone who wore clothes in hot tub

Ski Trash 2006
... The Super Bowl party saw some wonderful eats, some decent gambling, and an overall good venue to watch the game.  The game itself wasn't the greatest, but the best team probably won.

Overall, it was a wonderful weekend with the exception of the rain, and everyone seemed to have a good time together.

It was good for the group!

Don't forget to check out the
Gristmill photos!

Keep in touch everybody. 

Ski Trash 2007
February 1st ~ 5th

Super Bowl XLI (from Miami) Sunday February 4th.

Go Jets!

Not really sure what is going on with this photo.  Not sure we want to know, either...
A little Tweed Farms love, in the love shack...
Manny, Moe, and Jack
Weird natural reaction.  Right now you are also making that teeth pose with your own teeth, aren't you?
With arms wide open...  Above, we DO know what is going on, but still unsure if we really want to know more.  Below, Beanie exclaims "This is my soaked outfit, and these, these are my people."