Babylon 5

After "The Capital I Song" from Sesame Street

There is a world,
Spinning up in outer space,
Rebuilt five times,
By man's hand,
And by God's grace.

And while it spins,
Ambassadors galore,
Negotiate the treaties,
To prevent another war.

Giving in here,
Standing firm there,
Learning from each other,
And trying to care.

On Babylon 5,
Babylon 5 (2x)

There's much to do,
While they keep the peace of space,
There are mysteries and some dangers,
That the crew must always face.

But then at night,
While the station's spinning round,
You can find them staring into space
Or just walking up and down.

Watching the stars,
Hoping for peace,
Looking to the skies,
In the hope of release.

On Babylon 5,
Babylon 5 (2x)

January 13, 1998

Sesame Street is brought to you today by the letter B and the number 5.
